Chapter Twenty Five

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"Of course not," Belle nodded and Mal couldn't help but chuckle slightly at that. "But, just in case you were, Rapunzel and Tiana are great to talk to in order to get any jitters out before the meeting officially starts. I think we're just waiting on Ella and Aurora and we'll be all set."

"Aurora's not coming," Aladdin told her as he walked past, giving Mal a small smile which she returned. "There was an emergency council meeting over in Auroria and she had to host. She just texted me to let us know to start without her."

"Ella's not coming either," Rapunzel called out. "Kit's got a stomach bug and she doesn't want to leave him alone. Claims he'll work while she's gone and he's supposed to be resting."

"Right," Belle nodded, sounding as if she was all too familiar with the idea that her spouse would work rather than rest. Though, Mal supposed, Ben had to get it from someone after all. "Well I'll take notes and shoot her an email after the meeting so she knows what all she missed."

Okay, so it looks like this is going to be like one of Ben's council meetings, Mal thought with an inward nod. She could handle those, even if she'd only been to one of them. At least she was friends with the kids of three of the people in attendance. And of course she was on hopefully good terms with Belle.

"Since we won't have everyone, shall we move into the den? We'll be able to spread out a bit more," Belle proposed.

"Sounds good to me," Eugene nodded and the other royals murmured in agreement. Mal had to say, as they moved into the den, that she was thankful for the change in location. The den was a lot more cozy than the cavernous ballroom, and felt more like a room they'd find on the Isle rather than something you'd find in a castle.

The darker wood paneling and navy blue accents certainly helped to put Mal at ease. It was strange to say but it felt like a place where she could be herself rather than try and pretend to be someone she wasn't.

"Alright, who would like to speak first?"

"Belle, since we have a new member joining us, why not have it be a more casual meeting?" Kristoff proposed and Belle nodded, flushing slightly.

"'re Queen for twenty years, sometimes it's hard to turn it off you know? But I completely agree with the motion that we aim for a more casual environment today," she said. "All in favor?"

Mal chuckled softly as all the hands rose in favor of making the meeting more 'relaxed'.

"The motion passes," Belle said and everyone broke apart to mingle and nosh. Mal quickly found her way to the side of the room. Not because she wanted to be antisocial but because she'd be less likely to be crushed if everyone needed to flee the room than she would be if she was in the center.

Hey she was tiny after all and even if her dragon form would have made it next to impossible for anyone to crush her, it still took time for her to transform. Time that could make the difference between getting crushed or not—and even if it wouldn't kill her, it would still hurt!

"Hello Lady Mal," Aladdin said as he walked over to her.

"Hello Sultan Aladdin," Mal nodded in greeting and Aladdin shook his head.

"There's no need to use my title, not here and especially since you're a friend of my son's."

Mal couldn't help but give a small smile upon hearing that. "If there's no need for me to use your title, then there's no need for you to use mine. You outrank me after all."

"Pretty sure daughter of two Gods outranks sultan but let's not quibble," the raven haired man said with a small chuckle. "How've you been? Emir told me about your trip to the Enchanted Lake.

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