"Your grace," 

Both girls rise from their respectful curtsies to see the small smile on Grace's face. 

"So you decided to come, I am delighted," She says, her eyes fall on Celeste who blushes under the scrutiny and stares at her shoes, "This is must be your sister," 

"Yes, this my elder sister, Celeste Lincon," Clarissa replies. She is aware that Grace's companions are watching her with interest but she refuses to read their faces. 

"Thank you for the invitation, I can't believe I am here," Celeste tells Grace, a little flustered at the attention. Clarissa is relieved when she doesn't say anything else. 

"You don't really look alike, how many sisters do you have?" Grace's female friend tosses her raven hair over her shoulder and looks curious. Her husband wrinkles his face, half amused half disapproving of her sudden question. 

"Forgive me," Grace says, turning slightly, "May I introduce Duchess Harrington and her husband. Eliza, this is Clarissa Lenoir," 

Eliza and Clarissa exchange nods of respect while Duke Harrington regards Clarissa with a new interest. His wicked eyes study her face and flit between hers and her sister's. 

"To answer your question, your grace, I have one other sister," Clarissa tells Eliza courteously, "She is currently in Paris," 

Eliza looks even more inquisitive now but it is her husband who speaks. 

"Your grandfather expanded my fortune greatly in my younger years," He says thoughtfully, "I am surprised this is the first time we are meeting, I know his son enjoys society, I would have thought you would too." 

"My father still does enjoy the occasional ball, but it is my choice to stay away from most social occasions," Clarissa says, 

"Hear hear," Eliza mutters, shooting her husband a playful scowl. The corners of his mouth twitch. 

Grace smiles secretively, "I insisted that Clarissa came because she has captured the attention of my eldest, and more importantly held it. You know how hard that is," 

 Eliza laughs and Jasper's eyebrows rise while Clarissa blushes the same colour as her dress, ignoring Celeste's confused glance. 

"Alas, I must mingle," Grace says, looking around her contented guests, "But do enjoy your night." And with that, she flutters away. 

"If you'll excuse us," Jasper says to the sisters, grabbing Eliza's hand and yanking her away before she can protest. Eliza immediately chastises him and half-waves to Clarissa as she walks away. Feeling relieved, Clarissa turns to her sister and relaxes her posture. 

"So you really are a family friend," Celeste remarks, amused. Clarissa frowns at her but she just shrugs. 

"I thought you might have snuck us in, made some sort of deal with a shifty figure," Celeste explains, "The footman gave us a funny look too," 

"Your faith in me is astounding," Clarissa says, her sarcasm thick, she shakes her head and searches around for the nearest waiter, "I need a drink,"

"Oh I can't," Celeste responds, Clarissa looks at her, confused. Her confusion turns to disbelief as her sister's hands cradle her stomach through her gown. This can only mean one thing. 

"Oh god." Clarissa stares at her sister's midriff, "You're not?"

"Yes!" Celeste squeals, "I am having another baby! This time a girl I hope. I love my boys but it would be so delightful to have a little girl to dress up in pretty gowns and plait her pretty curls." 

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