Part 4

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Hello, my dear readers, welcome back to The Forests New Heir! This chapter is mostly just a continuation of chapter 3, which was getting too long so I decided to split it into two parts, which is where that juicy cliff hanger came from.

PLEASE NOTE this will be my first time writing a battle scene. While I thank everyone's praise so far I know that in the future I might be displeased with this as I grow more used to writing battle scenes as this fanfiction continues, but we will see how it goes, so please bear with me if the fight scene is not up to par with that you expect, I will get better with practice.

Without further ado, here is the fourth chapter to The Forests New Heir



As soon as Iruka let out the signal for the two prodigies to begin their bout, he barely had enough time to jump out of their way before the two closed the distance towards one another.

As soon as his best friend was in striking distance, Sasuke leapt up, aiming a round house kick towards Naruto's head.

The young Uzumaki ducked underneath, allowing Sasuke's foot to pass by him, missing his temple by only a few centimeters. Quickly attempting to counter, Naruto aimed a left hook towards his opponent's solar plexus while he was still off-balance from landing after his attempted strike.

In a quick show of acrobatics, the prodigal Uchiha managed to catch Naruto's punch, before using his arm as a springboard, raising himself above the blond and flipping over to his backside, before kicking the mokuton user between his shoulder blades, once again reestablishing the distance between them.

As Naruto felt himself flying forward, he planted his arms in front of him before he fell, using the momentum to summersault forward before quickly turning back around, grinning at his long time friend, before he bounded towards him once again.

Ino and the rest of the class jaws were dropped, as they witnessed the battle between the two best friends. No one could take their eyes off the pair of fighters, as they showed just how far above the rest of them, they truly were.

As she watched on in awe, Ino had a thought that she knew she had to make come to fruition.

'I need to be on a team with one of them,' the blond aspiring kunoichi thought to herself, as she witnessed the two boys continue to battle it out.

Ino knew that when her and her classmates graduated, she was most likely already going to be placed on a team with the two best friends, Chouji and Shikamaru. The reason she knew why that was most likely to happen is because of their fathers, the clan heads of their respective families, formed one of the most dominate 3-man units in the history of Konohagakure, the Ino-Shika-Cho combo. Ino never truly wanted to be on a team with the two, as while they were considered close family friends and she did like the two, they annoyed her to no end. She dreaded the thought of having the lazy procrastinative Shikamaru on her team, and the boy who would only do anything if it involved a meal, Chouji.

Witnessing the most intense battle the seven-year-old girl ever had before, Ino realized that the two boys in front of her were truly something special. Even more so, as she watched the Uzumaki boy give a quick elbow to Sasuke's sternum, before launching him away with a kick, her curiosity of the boy continued to grow. Who was he truly, and how did he grow to be so strong? Of course, Ino would not go to directly ask him that, but if eventually they were placed on a team together...

'It's settled then,' Ino thought to herself as she punched her left hand and held it firm. 'Those two are clearly going somewhere, and if I'm on a team with them, that means I'll be brought along on the journey' she concluded to herself with a conviction she has not really shown before. Ino decided then and there, that she would strive to become kunoichi of the year, to ensure she was on whoever became the rookie of the years team.

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