Chapter 7

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"Y/n, where is Jimin?" Jungkook asked me as it was about to be the time for us to be on stage for the performance.

Jimin didn't talk to me ever since the accidental kiss we shared yesterday. It was probably very awkward for him since he was gay.

Will this ruin our friendship?

I sighed as I thought of the possibility and shook my head as an answer to Jungkook.

"Oh, there he is!" Jungkook chimed, looking at the guy who just entered backstage.

He jogged up to Jimin while I stood at my place, rubbing my arm due to the nervousness I was feeling at that time.

One, because of Jimin.

And two, because it was my first time performing on stage, at least till the time I remembered.

"You seem to be nervous." I looked up to face Mr. Jung smiling at me when Mr. Kim, our English professor, came to give us the cue to go up on stage.

I took a deep breath, trying to collect myself. "You'll do great." Mr. Jung encouraged, as I smiled back with a nod before going up the stage along with the other performers.

Mr. Jung was my dance partner, so he too came up to the spotlight and got many teachers' attention. He had that charm.

Music started playing and we started dancing to it, very perfectly remembering all the dance routine, thanks to our amazing choreographer, Mr. Jung Hoseok.

I noticed that Yoongi and Taehyung were also present among the audience who were watching our performance and enjoying it.

Suddenly, a group of men barged into the crowd with several types of guns loaded in each of their hands.

We immediately stopped performing, terrified of what was happening, and definitely didn't look forward to what's gonna happen if we stayed at our place.

People started running towards the exit but some of those men had already locked the doors.

They pointed their guns towards the crowd, warning everybody that if we moved, they would pull the triggers.

Clenching my fist up to my chest, I breathed heavily in the panic of the situation that only seemed to worsen every second.

We were trapped on the stage, by some of them while Mr. Jung held my wrist with a firm grip and stood in front of me as a protector.

Jimin and Jungkook as right beside us so I could see their face that showed not even an inch of fear. Their jaws were clenched in anger which rather looked hot as fuck– but that wasn't the time to think of such things.

"Where's JK?" One of the men shouted as he asked for a specific person among the crowd. "I know he is hiding somewhere here! Who's JK among y'all?!"

He grabbed one of the boy's collars and pointed his gun at the boy's forehead. "Are you JK?"

The boy terrifyingly shook his head.

He pushed the boy back to the crowd and started scanning everyone's face.

"Y/n..." Jimin carefully called me in a whispering voice as I tore my eyes off the poor guy to give his words my attention. "Run backstage and fetch for Namjoon Hyung."

I frowned at his words. "Namjoon hyung? You mean our professor, Mr. Kim Namjoon?"

He nodded, glancing at the men and back at me. "Go!"

"W-why should I go to him?" I asked him in confusion.

"It's not the time for questions. Just go!" He commanded.

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