"Even if she did and if everyone else did, we will be there to tell them otherwise." Ron explained.

During the war, the trio came to terms that the Slytherins were forced to do what they did.

They did see what Lucius Malfoy tried to force his son to do.

Draco Malfoy, after all, didn't try to escape with his parents after the war, who were both then caught by the aurors.

Draco stayed with the winning side, and even though he wasn't on their side during the war, him staying with them at last spoke volumes.

It was just peer pressure that forced the Slytherins to do what they did, and their parents, of course.

And the trio learned to overcome all of the prejudices that came with the Slytherins, seeing as that Snape was one of the main reasons Harry defeated Voldemort.

"That's right." Hermione clipped.

"Mione, we will be there soon, you should change into your robes." Harry suggested to Hermione.

"Right, I will be back in five." Hermione smiled and took her robes and headed to the bathroom.

Upon finding the small bathroom, Hermione entered and closed the door behind her.

She quickly changed into her Gryffindor robes and tried to flatten the frizz that was called her hair, but at last, Hermione gave up, exited the bathroom and started to head toward the compartment.

Just as she reached the compartment, she noticed the blond guy who was in her thoughts just a few minutes ago, exit his compartment.

She couldn't help but think if that was how he looked like in all of those years.

Did he always look that...nice?

She could remember telling Harry how sick he looked in their sixth year, but Harry just brushed it off and kept on explaining his theory about the blond being a death eater.

Though, she never realized how pale he actually was. How sharp his cheekbones were. How white his hair was. How grey his eyes were.

She could almost call him perfect...except the fact that he wasn't. And everyone knew what was under that black suit. What was under his black jacket and his white crisp shirt.

She didn't hold him accountable for that, though. She didn't hold him accountable for wanting to save his and his parents' lives.

Harry told her about that night in the Astronomy Tower. He told her how Draco was backing away. How his wand was shaking in his hand and how scared he was.

And she believed him. She believed her best friend and his judgment. She believed him when he said that he saw another side of Draco Malfoy.

A side that was good. A side that was pure and just broken.

When her eyes met his, she couldn't miss how wide they went for just a second. It was in and out in just one second.

He regained his posture and merely lifted his eyebrow. His mouth was drawn in the slightest of smirks that she almost missed it.

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