Ch. 15

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I walked into school on Monday with a sense of excitement. The kind that only a crush could bring about. I hadn't talked to Brennan since we exchanged numbers, but that didn't matter. Just the thought of this new guy who I thought was cute and nice and literally saved me last night was enough to plant a permanent dreamy smile on my face. I started dreaming up fake conversations the two of us could have.

Anna was right - it's fun to like someone. I drifted from class to class like I was on a heart shaped cloud, which is kind of insane since I had only met this guy last night and hardly knew anything about him. Maybe I could get some information on him from Luke tonight. That's what friends do right? Talk about their dating lives and help set them up? I had helped Luke cook for his anniversary dinner so the least he could do is help a girl out.

Still on a high from meeting someone I wanted to learn more about, I arrived at Luke's with ingredients for chicken cobb salad. As I waited for the eggs to hardboil, Luke was talking about his AP Physics test and how he thought he screwed up on part of it. Truthfully, I was only partially paying attention because I was too busy rehearsing what I was going to say over and over again in my head.

"You decided to take AP Chem instead of Physics this year?" He asked me twice before I realized I was supposed to answer.

"What? Oh yeah. Sorry, spaced out for a second. Yeah, I never really liked physics. I actually hate it," I chuckled.

"Yeah I wasn't planning on taking it. Physics isn't my favorite, but it was the only science that fit in my schedule."

I nodded as I stared at the eggs on the stove.

"You know they say a watched pot never boils," he teased.

"Sorry, I don't know what's with me today."

I knew exactly what was with me. My excitement to learn more about Brennan had turned from butterflies to feeling like I was going to puke. Why was I so afraid to ask Luke about him?

"So, the bonfire was pretty fun last night."

Breathe. Don't sound overeager.

"Yeah, it turned out well. I was afraid that it was going to rain, but the weather ended up being perfect."

"Yeah, perfect weather. For sure."

I rubbed my now sweaty palms on my jeans and then tugged on the sleeves of my green and white striped long sleeve tee.

"I met your friend last night. He seemed cool."

"Oh yeah? Which friend?"

"Um, Brennan? Yeah, Brennan, that was his name."

My hands were up in my sleeves now and I was wringing the ends of my sleeves.

"Oh yeah, I came to talk to you guys by the fire. Yeah, he's cool. He's really more Paris' friend than mine."

Luke leaned back on the kitchen counter.

Is that all he's going to say?

"He told me he goes to Chapman. I was wondering how he knew you guys. He said mutual friends."

"Yeah, Paris has a bunch of friends who go there. I think her parents wanted her to go to Chapman, but she decided to stay at public school. I guess Ridge Falls was good enough for her."

Yeah or she wanted to make sure she could keep an eye on you at all times.

"Oh I'm surprised she wouldn't want to immerse herself in that whole private school, upper class life," I said even though I knew she for sure would not go to a different high school than him and he was never leaving public school even if he now had boat loads of money. I'm not joking; he probably could fill boats with money.

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