I think i'm doing it right?

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AN: Only the plot is mine, nothing else.

**Carina's POV**

I think I understand what's happening with Maya but she is not going to like it. It's called an MDLG relationship, I'm not particularly fond of the name.

I'm not going to bring it up until it has happened more than once.

Just as I'm closing my computer my phone beeps, luckily Maya didn't wake up. Crap, it's the hospital.

I carefully pry Maya off me and climb out of bed, then silently get ready to go. 


All done, now I either need to leave, hope I get back before she wakes up, or wake her up and have her be upset. I'm probably not going to be back before she wakes up.

"Bambina, svegliati un attimo per favore." she stirs but doesn't wake up.

"Babe," she groans and sits up looking at me. "Mmm?" 

"I need to go to work, will you be ok on your own?"

"Mhmm." she nods.

"Ok... call me, if you need me alright?"

Maya is practically asleep already but she gives a grunt of acknowledgment.

"I will be back in an hour or two"


**Maya's POV**

*I jolt upwards scared*

I had a nightmare about Lane, he was hurting Carina.

Where is Carina? I look over at the clock and it's been two hours. Why isn't she here? 

She said she would be home in two hours. Where is she?

 I-I'll text her 

M- How did your surgery go?

If I was too suspicious and asked where she was she would come home. Then I would be a burden, then she would break up with me and she would hate me then I would be alone. 

I don't want to be alone.

She still hasn't responded. What if she's in trouble, no she was just going out to do a surgery.

But dangerous things happen at the hospital all the time.

All of this is too much, I can't breathe. I rub my eyes and realise that I'm crying. 


No crying. 

Crying if for the weak, crying is for the weak.

Where is Carina? I want Carina.

I want her to kiss me, and hold me, and tell me it's going to be alright.

I need Carina.

**Carina's POV**

I walk out of the scrub room and reach for my phone, surgery went longer than expected. "Merda!" My phone is dead, I hear my brother call out. 


"Ciao, fratello" I answer distractedly 

"Che cosa succede?  Ti ho sentito giurare"

"il mio stupido telefono é morto e ora non riesco e vedere se ha bisogno di me."


"Si" obviously.

"Perché  Maya avrebbe bisogno di te?" he asks confused

I'm sure my eyes are widening comicly. I've said too much.

"She just- uhh... had a tough call last night.." I say, not really lying.

This conversation has lasted far too long and every moment I stand here he is getting more suspicious. I frantically look for an excuse to leave, the clock! 

"Ho finito con mio fratello operante, sono stanco e torno a casa a dormire, ciao."

I told Maya I'd be home near six, it's six thirty. I am doing exactly what she did to me last night. I attempt to hurry home, I get stopped by 4 interns looking for other attendings. 


When I finally park my car it's almost seven. I speed up the stairs as fast as I can without injuring myself.

I finally get to the door and hear crying. Why did I ever leave? 

I open the door and find Maya curled up on the bedroom floor. 

 "Oh, Maya"

She looks so happy when she sees me, I pick her up and bounce her around the room.

"I'm so sorry Bella, surgery ran long and my phone died"

"'s ok! You're back!" she answers me excitedly like she already forgot.

"You're excited, huh bambina" I say still a little surprised by the change in attitude.

I meet her eyes again and they're wide enough to be a four year olds. Guess that's a thing to be looking for. 

"Well, do you want to go and play..."

Merda we don't have anything to play with.

**End of this chapter**

AN: This was longer than the last one. My favorite chapter of the two. Hope you liked it, comment any ideas.

 Literally any ideas, I think the next chapter will be Carina telling Maya that she's a little.

If you want you can comment ideas for Maya's reaction.



Bambina, svegliati un attimo per favore = Baby girl, wake up for a sec please.

Merda! = Shit!

Ciao, fratello = Hello, brother

Che cosa succede? Ti ho sentito giurare = What's up? I heard you swear

Il mio stupido telefono é morto e ora non riesco e vedere se ha bisogno di me. = My stupid phone is dead and now I can't see if she needs me.

Si = Yes

Perché Maya avrebbe bisogno di te? = Why would Maya need you?

Ho finito con mio fratello operante, sono stanco e torno a casa a dormire, ciao =

I'm done with my operation brother, I'm tired and going home to sleep. Bye 

ITALIAN NOTE: Yeah it's wrong, google translate did me dirty and i shouldn't have used it in the first place. I'm not going to change it, if someone can give me a good reason then I will. I appreciate the italian advice it's very helpful.

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