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I walk to my bathroom, of course to get ready for the sluts party.

I slip on my tight black dress and start on my makeup, winged eyeliner, smokey eyes, red lips and flawless skin.

I walk out of the door ignoring my mum who is shouting at me and step into my car.

[skip car ride because why not]

Before getting out of the car I out my black pumps on and wait for Shawn outside.

[20 minutes later]

He's not here?! But he's never late he must be inside!

As soon as I walk inside the music hits me like a blast, I'm off topic back to finding Shawn, Shawn fucking Mendes who ditched me.

He's absolutely no where downstairs, oh god no he wouldn't.

I walk upstairs just to be sure I open an door to see a guy naked on top of some girl, I slowly back away.


Bad Girl ; S.MWhere stories live. Discover now