Tommy Adventure

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"You guessed I'm from the nether, your right- I'm cold. Let's leave."

He groaned. Finally somewhat conceding to your demands, "Ugh- you're such a downer you know that?? Just like Will and Techno."

"All of which have an age gap from you and your child brain." You shot back.

He shot you a half-hearted glare, "Uncalled for."

"Completely called for." You returned, teeth chattering as you stared at him.

The blonde teen looked at your shivering figure one last time before sighing and saying, "Fine fine. Let's go."


You couldn't wait to get back into a warmer climate.

Away from all the snow, and hopefully sitting on a rock to soak up sun.

"I bet I can beat you to the bottom." Tommy jousted, and you turned to look at him.

Without any farther prompt, he just-

Jumped off the edge???

Holy shit- 

Fuck- what the fuck does he think he's doing-

You chased after him, feet on the edge of the sheer drop, watching his silhouette grow smaller-

You couldn't waste a second of time- but what were you even going to do to help?!

You were already jumping off the cliff by the time you swallowed the fact that Tommy jumped, the feeling of falling- with absolutely nothing to catch you sent fear tingling down your spine.

You had to reach Tommy- if for anything else to cushion his fall-

But you had no time to react- whizzing right past his form- with a dead drop of speed you weren't anticipating.

He fell slower.




You barely had time to look back to the ground to see how close you were to landing- because the moment you saw the earth, everything was black.




It was hard to focus back into reality. Extremely.

The fact that you weren't breathing was the first thing you noticed.

That's always the first thing you notice.

That's also the first thing always fixed.

Your chest tightened, as did your throat-

You were so close to the surface of the water- except there was no water, and the moment you breached past the surface tension, your lungs heaved out, and your body shuddered as though a defibrillator had been pressed to your chest.

Breath filtered through you.

You were breathing-

You were alive.

Feeling came second. Every breath harshly revitalizing everything that hadn't been moving.

In your skin, in your bones- you felt them shift, felt them re-experience the world and how it worked.

The blood in your body pumped-

You were alive.

The thump of your heart was testimony to that fact.

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