I took a deep breath still trying to calm my nerves about the Hufflepuff girl. Besides having filthy blood, something bothered me terribly about her. What was she playing at? If anything...

She was too... nice.

Amelia is her name.

Now my subconscious wouldn't shut up about her.

A couple of puny first years walked by and when they saw me-or us- they hurried off in another direction. There was a strange squealing noise and it took me a while to realize it was Pansy. She got up and with a mouthful of biscuits said: "We've got to get to class."

I looked up at the clock and got up. I went to class with them following behind me.


Amelia's POV

I was finally early to Charms today. I sat relaxed and ready to learn. A strong smell of floral scented perfume filled the air and I scrunched my nose up at it. It wasn't all that pleasant.

Pansy Parkinson took her seat just as class began.

After a few charms and wand waving I was starting to fall asleep.

"Miss Westworth." Flitwick called.

I jolted upright and looked at him which caused my glasses slide off my nose. I really needed to tighten them.

"Yes professor?"

"Can you show the class the proper waving technique?"

I quickly glanced at my book and held my wand up. I moved it through the air clumsily and Flitwick cringed a bit.

"Very well, work on that."

I nodded and sighed quietly.

A few loud whispers from my left side caught my attention. Pansy was talking to her friends and when she saw me looking, gave me a small devilish smirk. She said something else and they all erupted in giggles.

I felt myself start to feel conscious and tried to look away but she just got louder. I only heard bits and pieces.

"A mudblood."

"Right, and in Slytherin, what a disgrace."

"She's not a charmer." "Obviously."

"He's gonna get expelled."

"No I don't think they'll graduate."

"She definitely belongs in Hufflepuff."

They were talking about me and Jack. It took everything in me to not run out of the classroom. I didn't want to hear it. Those girls were mean to everyone. It shouldn't have bugged me so much but it did. I couldn't focus anymore and I wanted class to be over.

Little did I know that staying in this class could've saved me from being hurt.

I walked out quickly not bothering to adjust my glasses that were halfway down my face. A hard shoulder pushed me against the wall and I dropped everything I was holding. My glasses fell and I reached to grab them but they were suddenly crushed under a black shoe. I looked up to see Pansy smirking.

"You won't be needing those."

I reached for my wand but she kicked it across the floor.

"You won't be needing that either."

I got up and was surrounded by her and two other girls from Slytherin.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly.

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