Toph:Go ahead,Aang could use anything...

Y/n:From what y/n has...observed and heard...about is a lot of...lower body...right Toph?

Toph:You know that's actually really good advice...

Katara walks over to Toph and whispers in her ear

Katara:When y/n does something good he likes to be pat on the let's him know he is learning or did something good...

Toph:Okay...y/n come here!

Y/n walks over


She punches his shoulder

Toph:Good job...

Y/n remembers last night when she did the same thing

He laughs again


He walks off as Katara crosses her arms and looks at Toph

Toph:It's just my way of doing things...don't take it the wrong way...

Katara:Well I'll be nearby if you need anything...and try to be nice...

She walks over to y/n who has the rock over his head and is squatting with it

Katara:You know y/n I'm impressed...not to downplay The Eternal Flame or anything but you're lifting that rock with no bending...

Sokka:I know it's awesome to watch what I've been teaching him in action!

Katara:You taught him how to pick up a boulder essentially and squat with it...?

Y/n:Y/n has...heard bad advice...Sokka helped...


Katara:Wow this is once in a lifetime...Sokka is helping...

Y/n:Y/n can't

Sokka:You know I have the slight feeling that you're starting to catch on a bit quick onto the whole sarcasm thing...

The three of them laugh a bit


Toph:Well you seem to have it down Aang, pretty good so far but now I have the next step...instead of moving a rock you are going to stop one...that boulder up on that hill is going to be pushed by me and your going to stop it like this...

She demonstrates the motion this really the best way to teach him earthbending?

Toph:You know what,you're right Katara...y/n could I use a couple of your bandages?


He unwraps a couple from his hand as he gives them to her

Toph:Thank you...

She blindfolds Aang

Toph:Now you'll have to sense the vibrations...

Aang:Great just...great...

She sets herself up and pushes the boulder immediately

Aang starts to get more and more nervous as it gets closer and closer

He jumps out of the way last second as it crashes behind them

Toph runs up less than happy...

Aang:I guess I panicked...I don't know what to say...

Toph:There's nothing to say! You blew it! You had perfect form and a perfect stance! When it came down to it , you didn't have the guts!

Y/n:Come on...take it easy...having a new element...thrown at someone head scary...

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