Trust Me

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A few days later

Dylan did not tell Yue where he went that day, and Yue did not ask. She was actually afraid to ask. Something inside her was off, she simply knew Dylan had done something dangerous and it was not over.

Both have been extremely quiet lately. Dylan has been trying to find a way to get rid of Kai once and for all and Yue knows he is up to no good.

Tonight, Yue goes to bed with an empty feeling in her stomach. Something is about to happen.

In the dark room, she keeps tossing and turning in bed. Finally, she rolls towards Dylan and whispers: "Dylan..."

"What?" he replies, opening his eyes.

"Please, don't..."

"My Moon, sleep," he says with a soft tone.

"I can't. I don't know what is going on, but I know you, you are planning something. I've heard you make calls to your friends..."

"You don't need to worry. This will all be over soon," he tries to reassure her and then he hugs her. "Shhh... Close your eyes."

"What if something happens to you?" she says with a cracked voice.

Dylan looks at her, caresses her face and kisses her forehead. "Whatever happens to me... Don't keep the cat!" And he chuckles.

Yue hits him with a smile she is trying to suppress.

"I'm serious, my Moon! Get rid of it!"

"I'm serious too!"

But Yue is truly sad and worried, and Dylan cannot see her like that. He tucks her hair behind her ear and brings his face closer so their noses touch.

"Listen, I cannot promise you that nothing will happen to me. I am not a liar. What I do promise is that you will be safe after it's all over, no matter what happens to me."

Yue begins to cry silently, and Dylan tries to dry her tears.

"I don't care about me; I don't want anything to happen to you..." she sobs.

"Don't you see I feel the same way? Try to understand... To me, all that matters is you."

"This is stupid! Let's just go somewhere far away from Kai!" Yue exclaims with tears flowing down her face.

"That will not solve the problem, and you know it."

"I don't want you to end up dead or in jail because of him!"

"Shen Yue, trust me. Please."

But Yue keeps weeping inconsolably. She trusts Dylan, yet, she does not like the situation one bit.

Dylan knows that his love and affection is all that can reassure her and make her feel better. Therefore, he wipes her tears with his fingers and kisses her salty cheeks over and over.

"I love you, stop crying, please."

Yue's tears cease when his kisses make her shiver, and her sobs begin slowing down. She opens her eyes and sees the man he loves smiling in front of her and she cannot help but smile back.

Dylan combs her hair with his hand and blows softly on her face to dry her tears. His minty and warm breath makes her gasp. He kisses her nose and then looks at her again. She has almost stopped shuddering. Then he presses her against his body and his hand crawls inside her clothes to scratch her back. She loves that, it helps her relax.

Yue begins to breathe more deeply, and her shoulders loosen. She closes her eyes as Dylan runs his fingers all over her skin.

Suddenly, he stops, and Yue opens her eyes.

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