Is the Genie Out?

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It has been 10 months since Dylan started protecting Yue.

After the imposed kiss, that felt real to both of them, Yue has been trying to find an excuse to make it happen again, but Dylan's professionalism is always in the way. How to make this man more human? What needs to happen?

Today Dylan is driving Yue back from work and her boyfriend calls her. Yes, this guy is still around despite the fact that Yue could not care less if he lived or died. Truth be told, they have not seen each other much since Yue went to Milan. Yue only calls him when she needs him and vice versa. However, tonight the man has a plan.

Dylan wonders how Yue can still be with him if she has made it clear time and again that she is into someone else, her bodyguard to be precise.

Yue is on the phone: "Yes, we can have dinner tonight, no problem. See you later."

Is she going to dinner with trophy boyfriend? Why doesn't she get rid of the guy already? I wonder what he'd think of Alex...

That evening, reluctantly, Dylan takes Yue to the restaurant and the man is there.

Xu Kaicheng, aka arm-candy, is charming, at least superficially; he knows how to treat a lady, grabbing her chair for her, ordering expensive champagne, and always bringing flowers. He has been with Yue for years and yet he has never demanded anything from her, except for the past months he has been pushing her to get married.

 He has been with Yue for years and yet he has never demanded anything from her, except for the past months he has been pushing her to get married

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As a matter of fact, from a table nearby, Dylan hears him over and over: "YueYue, marry me already! How long are you going to make me wait?"

"I told you I am not ready to get married."

But that is a lie. Yue simply does not want to marry him.

"You're not ready for anything, YueYue! Why not? Have I not been patient and nice to you? Have I not been a gentleman who understands what you've been through? I deserve something after 3 years!"

Yue feels guilty and Dylan senses as though he could punch the guy and deform that perfect face of his.

She said she does not want to marry you! Get over it and move on, dude!

Emotionless Dylan is going down the drain once again. When it comes to Yue, he can sense his emotions flooding from within more and more each time. This is not good. The genie is being rubbed out of the lamp.

After dinner, Kai asks Yue for a ride because he took a cab to the restaurant.

"Your chauffeur won't mind giving me a lift, right?"

"He's not my... Forget it... No, he won't mind."

Who says I don't mind? Dylan thinks and looks at Yue with an annoyed expression.

Yue shrugs her shoulders and with her lips says "sorry" to Dylan without Kai seeing.

In the backseat of the car, Kai, who had one too many drinks at dinner, starts getting a little too enthusiastic with Yue, putting his hand on her leg, attempting to lean closer.

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