Queen of the Night

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5 years later

"Shen Yueeee! We need to lock Winnie somewhere! Our friends are coming and this cat won't stop biting me!"

"That's because you don't leave it alone! You're always annoying the poor thing!" Yue yells from the kitchen.

"Argh! Your mother is always defending you! Tsk! I think she loves you more than she loves me..." Dylan raises an eyebrow, picks up the cat and locks it in a room.

Soon, their friends arrive for dinner. Dylan's friends are here and also Sara, who is now dating Nick -that was a shocker for everyone- and 2 more friends of Yue who are in town just for a few days.

At dinner, Nick and Sara act all sweet and touchy, and everybody stares at them astonished because Nick was completely against public displays of affection until he met Yue's best friend.

"You teased us for the longest time! You said we were nauseating, and now look at you two!" Dylan exclaims pressing his lips in disbelief.

Yue laughs and takes out her phone to capture the moment in a picture. "Yes, he called us all kinds of names!"

"My favorite was when he called you Whitney and Kevin!" Joe remembers and everyone laughs.

How not to make jokes about 'The Bodyguard' in their presence?

"We should watch the movie together after dinner!" Sara suggests making sweet eyes at Nick.

"Anything for you, babe," and smooches her.

"Yuck! Stop it!" Pete yells.

"Let's take a groufie!" someone shouts.

"Yes! Dylan, your arm is the longest! You take the picture!" Joe teases him.


They have collected many pictures in the past five years. Dylan and Yue have worked hard at the Company, but they have also traveled and vacationed together.

Yue stopped tracking her period after two years of marriage, as they had agreed. However, Dylan has enjoyed so much having her all to himself that he did not have it in him to change their status, at least until now.

At work that same week

Dylan is in his office making plans for when they will be traveling to Paris for Fashion Week, which will happen in a few days. They attend together every year, and during that time he needs to make sure everything goes smoothly at the Company in his absence. He is still the responsible man Yue married years ago.

Ding. The phone chimes with a reminder. Dylan picks it up and grins. Then he realizes he needs a signature from Yue for some security papers and walks leisurely to her office next door.

Dylan never knocks, why would he? But today he will wish he had.

He opens the door to remain in complete and absolute shock. He feels an explosion in his stomach and a shot to his heart.

What the hell?!

Dylan finds Yue sitting on her desk in front of a man who looks European; his hands are on her knees and he is kissing her cheeks.

Dylan simply stands there for what seems to be an eternity, though it was only a few seconds.

"Dylan!" Yue exclaims, worried that he might misunderstand what is happening. The scene must look odd to anyone coming in.

Nothing. Dylan does not speak. He is fulminating the man with his eyes as his hands clench into two tight fists.

"This is Jean Paul. We went to school together when I spent that year in Paris. Remember that I told you?"

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