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~Beginning of Month 2~
(Because secretly deep down I'm really tired and wanna get to all the juicy stuff)

I sat at the dinner table, eating the eggs Elizabeth cooked. She was trying out some new recipes, gradually getting better at cooking. It was funny watching her make a mistake and get all flustered about it. One time she burnt some meat, and she almost burned the cabin down. I teased her about, laughing. Elizabeth laughed with me, saying that she used too much oil.

I watched as she scrambled some eggs in a pan, flipping them ever so often. I picked up my cup, taking a sip of the orange juice I had. Her bump had gotten slimmer, and it had worried me. Elizabeth assured me that everything was fine, it was just because of her vomiting a lot. I had nodded, but it didn't ease my worrying.

"Miguel! Come get your eggs!" Elizabeth called out, Miguel running down the hall. Mama Quinn was out, looking for a cooking job. She had told me that we needed to earn enough money for essentials. I had agreed, and asked Mr. Willburry for more hours. Now I get up early and come home late. I leave in a few minutes actually.

"Hey Elizabeth, I'm going to head out." I said, setting my plate and cup in the sink. She nodded, leaning up and kissing me.

"Don't work too hard, I don't like it that your tired all the time." She replied wearily, causing me to smile.

"I can't make any promises." I stated, winking. God she's adorable when she's mad.


I washed the pot I had cooked with, thinking of things to do. Miguel has told me that we should get a brush for Meliodas due to the fact that he has "bed-head". I agreed, but we never set a date for it. I mean, it could be a birthday present for him. It is the 25th.

I put the pot in the cabinet, dusting off my hands. Miguel finished his food, setting the plate in the sink.

"Hey, do you want to go get that brush we talked about? It's Meliodas's birthday after all." I asked him, earning a nod in reply. Miguel went back to his room, grabbing his shoes. I grabbed my flat dolly shoes, slipping them on. Miguel came back out of his room, a little money porch in his hand.

"This is my allowance that I earned, I think it'll be enough." I nodded, opening the front door. Miguel walked out and I followed, closing the door behind me.

We started down the big hill, chatting along. We talked about what kind of cake we should make, wondering if Mama Quinn could make the homemade chocolate one she does for Miguel's birthday. I've never had one, but from what Miguel and Meliodas said they are amazing.

I laughed at one of Miguel's dad-jokes as we reached the road. People were bustling around, going in and out of shops. I peered around, looking for the shop that Zeldris worked. I spotted it through the busy crowd. Tapping Miguel's shoulder, I pointed to the shop. We headed over to the door, pushing through all of the people.

The bell rang as we walked in, Zeldris looking up.

"Oh, hey Elizabeth, Miguel. Here to see Meliodas?" He asked, walking out from behind the counter. I shook my head no, motioning him over.

"Actually, I wanted to get Meliodas a little something for his birthday. Could you help me out?" Zeldris nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. He really follows after his brother.

"Sure, what are you looking for?" He asked. I pondered for a bit.

"You know that bed-head he has?" I said while pointing to my hair. Zeldris tilted his head, raising an eyebrow.

"You call that thing he has on the top of his head bed-head?" He remarked. I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean. I was thinking of getting him a brush to brush it down." I explained. Zeldris nodded, motioning for us to follow him.

"Over here." I followed him into a corner of the shop. He showed me to a shelf with hair products like soap and combs.

"Thank you!" I said. Zeldris nodded, walking back to the counter and continuing his shift. I peered at the brushes, one catching my eye. I picked it up, showing Miguel. He nodded, smiling.

I examined, the wooden handle. You could easily that it was an antique. Probably from the late 1800's. I followed Miguel up to the counter, setting the brush in front of Zeldris. He smiled, picking it up and setting it in a bag. Miguel pulled out a few of his coins, handing it to him.

"You look a bit slimmer. You okay?" Zeldris asked, nodding towards my stomach. I nodded, looking down.

"Yeah, just the whole moring ting." I replied, grabbing the bag. Zeldris reached behind the counter, pulling out a small money bag. He pulled out seven coins, handing them to me.

"Hey Elizabeth, I'd hate to work you and all but could you get Meliodas a gift from me? He mentioned that he needed new boots. There's a shoe store next to this one, to the right. The other thing I need is a simple box to fit at least two things in them. I would get them myself but-"

I shrugged it off. "No Zeldris, it's okay. I'll get everything at the house. You get an hour off earlier than Meliodas, right?" I asked. He nodded, looking behind him. I clapped my hands together, smiling.

"Okay then! I'll have everything ready by the time your off! If you don't mind, you could come over with Gelda and Anne to celebrate!" I exclaimed. Zeldris nodded, waving.

"I'll see you there Elizabeth!" I waved, stepping out of the shop with Miguel tailing behind me. Oh, this is gonna be a long day..

*~another time skip~*

I walked out of the last shop, a box in my hands. I spent all the coins Zeldris gave me on the black boots and box, just like he asked. Miguel held the bag with the brush while I held the box and boots.

"You've been a big help!" I complimented as we walked down the road. Miguel smiled, shrugging.

"What can I say? I guess I wanted to get to know Meliodas's girlfriend and niece or nephew." He replied, getting a better grip on the bag. I smiled, a pep in my step. I heard someone clear their throat, causing me to turn around. Miguel stopped, following my gaze.

Low and behold, that grey head of hair was the only view I saw.

"Elizabeth dear, it's nice to see you." Estarossa greeted, standing up straight from a bow. When he looked me up and down, he smiled pervertedly.

"Oh..I see that a lot can happen in two months. Your chest has gotten bigger dear." He stated. I looked off to the side, taking in a deep breath.

"Don't..don't call me dear. I'm already with Meliodas, you know that." I grimly replied. He nodded, looking off to the side.

"That's not the point. I wanted to ask why your chest is bigger." I cringed, rolling my eyes.

"That's none of your concern." I said, placing a hand on my stomach, feeling a bit sick. Miguel placed a hand on my shoulder, waving towards Estarossa.

"We'll be leaving now." He said, ushering me away. I sighed as we walked away, heading back towards the cabin. Miguel had an irritated look on his face.

"He doesn't have the right to ask you that. It's very innapropriate behavior for a 'man'." He said through gritted teeth. I nodded, patting his shoulder.

"I know Miguel, I know."

I wanted to thank one of my followers for correcting me, I had the whole process with the pregnancy fucked up and they pointed it out. I edited the chapter, so I would go back and re-read it just incase. I'm sorry for the sudden change. However, It is still the same dates, just the whole devolping with Elizabeth is different.

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