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I picked up Anne, kissing her on the cheek. Gelda walked out of the living room, her hair tied loosely over her shoulder in a braid. I smiled at the blonde, pulling her into a sweet kiss. We pulled away, Anne tugging at my coat.

"Why can't I come?" She pleaded, pouting. I smiled, bopping her nose.

"I don't want you to call out his name. If you do that, the surprise won't be much of a 'surprise'." I stated, hoisting her higher on my hip.

"But what are we surprising uncle Mewi with daddy?" Anne asked, furrowing her eyebrows. I chuckled, handing her over to Gelda.

"Me Anne. Uncle Meliodas doesn't know that I'm here, and his surprise is that I am there." I explained. Anne nodded, playing with Gelda's braid. I stepped forward, giving Anne a kiss on the cheek. I moved towards Gelda, giving her another kiss.

"I won't be long. I'll just watch them walk off the ship." I said, pulling away. Gelda nodded, smiling.

"Have fun!" She called out as I stepped out of the door, waving goodbye.

I started down the path leading to the cobblestone road ahead of me. I don't know why, but I was wearing a scarf and coat. It was the semi-middle of summer, June. There was a chilly breeze, but the sun mostly kept it at bay. Still, I dressed as if it were the beginning of autumn.

I listened as my boots hit the cobblestone, a clicking sound erupting each time. The noise was soothing, almost like a horses hoofs on concrete. I always liked the sounds around me, especially footsteps. They were just so sophisticated.

I sighed, the sound of cheering people ringing in my ears. I looked ahead of me to see the ship arriving in the docks. I began running, not wanting to miss the arrival.

I gasped for breath, finally reaching the crowd. I looked up and watched as all the people aboard waved to family members. I heard a familiar voice calling out. Looking a bit closer, I saw him.

The crowd cheered as he pulled the silverette in and kissed her lips. That blonde crazy hair and two loose strands on top of his head gave it away. It was him.

Meliodas looks a lot older than he did before. Grant, the last time I saw him he was 12. By now he's 17, maybe 18. His shoulders were more broad and his face was more 'man-like'. Though, he still maintained his youthful look overall.

He was wearing that same outfit mother made him. It looked like it was altered many times, tattered even. But he still looked nice.

The silverette was wearing a yellow dress that reached pass her knees. She noticed me out of the crowd, just staring. Meliodas had kissed her, like a wife. I don't know if they're married, but they're definitely together.

I watched has they walked, Meliodas carrying a suitcase in his right hand and holding the silverette's hand with the other. A small tan boy and woman followed behind them, talking. People all around me were hugging and kissing loved ones, crying and cheering. I desperately watched as they faded out of sight, away from the crowd.

I frantically pushed through the crowd, not caring if I was interrupting other people's reunions.

Don't go, don't leave me again.

"Meliodas! Don't go!" I called out. The crowd kept pushing me down like waves, but I kept getting up. He can't leave me again, after all this waiting. I got stuck behind a tall man, but he couldn't get in my way. I ducked underneath his hug with his daughter and wife and kept pushing through the crowd

"Meliodas!" I cried, tears welling in my eyes. No, brother don't leave. I need you to show me how to be like you. I need you to teach me how to be a man. I need you to help me be a better dad. I need you to help me be a good boyfriend for Gelda. Show me one more lesson, one more, please.

I saw him stop dead in his tracks, the other people with him doing the same. My eyes widened as he looked around, blinking before looking directly at me.

<*start sad music T^T*>

Stop the clocks, it's amazing
You should see the way the light dances off your head
A million colours of hazel, golden and red
Saturday morning is fading
The sun's reflected by the coffee in your hand
My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again

We were love drunk, waiting on a miracle
Tryna find ourselves in the winter snow
So alone in love like the world had disappeared
Oh, I won't be silent and I won't let go
I will hold on tighter 'til the afterglow
And we'll burn so bright 'til the darkness softly clears

Oh I will hold on,
To the after glow
Oh I will hold on,
To the after glow

All of the time seemed to slow down as I pushed through the rest of the crowd, my scarf falling off. Once I had broken free of the crowd, I dropped all of my stuff and jumped into Meliodas's arms. I buried my face in his shoulder, tears running down my cheeks. I heard muttering from the silverette, but I ignored it. Meliodas dropped the suitcase he was holding, making the small tan boy jump. I felt arms wrap tightly around my back.

We were love drunk, waiting on a miracle
Tryna find ourselves in the winter snow
So alone in love like the world had disappeared
Oh, I won't be silent and I won't let go
I will hold on tighter 'til the afterglow
And we'll burn so bright 'til the darkness softly clears

I felt a head resting on my shoulder, small water droplets clinging to my coat. I sobbed, falling to my knees. Meliodas fell down with me, not letting go.

"Zeldr-..but.." I heard him mutter. I took in a deep breath, sobbing even more.

"I'm okay! I'm right here!" I cried, squeezing tightly. "I'm right her Meliodas...I'm not dead..I'm okay big brother..I'm okay..."

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