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"What's with that?" the brunette wrinkled her nose, wondering if she truly wished to know the reason behind her brother's risible attire. 

"Some days, you just have to put on the hat and remind them who they're dealing with."

"Did you just quote the wicked witch? For real?" Sofia rolled her eyes in mere annoyance, fully knowing of the boy's antics whenever it came to fulfilling a mission, whatever it was. His numerous flaunts had caused them quite the scare along the years, even though he'd always claim to do better next time. He wasn't reckless per say, but his enthusiasm usually led to him blowing their cover. Not that anyone would suspect anything.

"Are you planning on adopting a pet this time? Just so you know, I'm not going to be the one in charge. Your puppy, your issue." 

"Fine." Sofia snapped. "Ready to go?" 

"Where to, exactly?"

"Good Better Best."

Gabriel snirked as he started the engine, strays of sunlight swimming through the windscreen the way seasalt stared back at the sky. The smallest natural diamonds awoke a pleasing instinct in the young man who stared in gratitude. 

"I still don't get it, you know?" 

"I know. Me neither." replied his sister in dazzled honesty. Sighing peacefully, she rolled down the window until the breeze hit her nostrils. The brunette could smell ice cream, sunscreen lotion, coffee, fresh grass, lemon... and what not. Her senses were on a hunt, flirting with every scent. It still felt the same. Not much had changed, except people's ages. Sofia always wondered what it would be like: to run into someone she had left behind. The twins knew how blessed they were to be able to gift anyone with hope and love, yet, they couldn't bare the thought of betraying them as they returned to their roots. 

"Do you think they'll ever understand?" Gabriel questioned, a hint of regret dusting over his joy. 

"I hope they will." 

Driving through Oakland reminded them of their time in Australia, although that was nothing alike. The feeling layered somehow, allowing them to dwell in familiarity - a sentiment they both craved. Coming to a stop, the car roared as the shop came into view. Three reddish armchairs were abandoned on the side, waiting for someone in need to make it their shelter. Parking at the front, the twins exchanged a knowing glance. Anxiety always creeped in at first, and they knew by experience that the feeling would build up tremendously until they'd find the person they were there to help. Interlocking their pinky fingers, both exhaled silently. They never knew who they would encounter. None of their protege had ever been violent, but strangers usually had a hard time trusting two teenagers. 

"Good luck, Sof'!"

"Back at you, Gab'!"

Erupting in laughter, Gabriel opened the way for his sister to walk in first. Out of the two, Sofia was the intuitive one. She knew when to keep her guard up and when to let people in. If they were to find the mysterious woman they had been sent for, he'd trust his sibling's approach.

The place was filled with antic furniture and appeared to be one of the best known thrifting store in town. Following up the aisles, the brunette hanged on the art that surrounded her. So many centuries reunited in one place tended to bring emotions out of her. She stopped her movements as her feet hit the edge of a carpet. Several were displaced, complementing the colors of the one settled under. The embroidery was so minimalistic, yet so ancient. She had not seen any of those before. If they were to stay for a while, the girl would definitely take notice of goods to buy to decor their newly found house. 

"Do you feel anything?" pressured Gabriel. His will to fulfill people's happiness was too strong at this point, and the glare he received from his sister told him to keep his questions for himself. If she felt anything, she'd let him know. If not, he was to respect her adoration for vintage times.

"Remember that one time, back in Costa Rica?" 

"I get it. No need to go back there."

"Please, tell me you're over it. That competition was tough. There was no chance you'd make it to the top."

"I was beaten by a mortal, Sofia! Do you know how disappointing that was?" Gabriel raised his arms as to measure his surprise. 

"That guy didn't even play fair!" He raised his voice as his steps took him down the aisle towards what seemed to be a chest of vinyl records. Throwing his feet against a nearby wall, the boy then kneeled down only to show off. 

"Now, that's good music!" 

"The Cramps? How are we so different, Gab'?" 

Sofia's brother juggled his eyebrows as he did his knees, throwing his arms forwards then backwards before he attempted to imitate his favourite guitarist. The music was now covering the frivolous noises that escaped his mouth, throwing him into a wilder dance. 

"Now, this one is a hit!" 

"NO WAY! Are you serious, now?"

"Very! A girl's gotta have some Kinks!" the tiny one laughed as she borrowed her brother's hat to accentuate her dance moves. Winking away, she sauntered around, her hands already digging into more boxes, hoping to find the best of the best. 

"Come on Gab', don't be such a party pooper, keep it up!"

Singing for all that was worth, Sofia never seemed to come across the fact that someone was now steadily standing right behind her, their eyes feeding on the view. The stranger had been entranced from the minute they had caught sight of this excentric girl. Althought what had really drawn them in was the young one's taste in music, most definitely. Never had they met anyone who moved on "I took my baby home" so... greedily, they thought, amused.

Sofia had yet to think of glancing towards the mirror that stood by her, and she had yet to hear them both applause as her hips swang in rhythm, her head jerking around in zest, until her balance somehow failed her and she fell... right into the stranger's arms!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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