Chapter 5: Head Above Water

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Everything felt awkward after the incident the next morning, the paladins eat their breakfast in their respective room with Allura being lonely in the dining hall. They never followed her orders and do something individually. Everyone including Coran and the mice are very worried about Lance locked up in his room for a day. Pidge and Shiro take research in the library since Pidge can also be able to get access through, it would be easy for them without Lance's access or Allura's permission, and they would find the proof about the Altean past. "Nothing in here," Pidge said as she closes the book she had. "Me neither," Shiro replied doing the same thing as her. "I don't think we could find any proof on why Allura needs this so badly," Pidge said as she sat on the edge of the statue fountain looking at her reflection. "Well, it's pretty bad that we are avoiding her," Shiro said as he looks at another book. "Agreed," Pidge replied. Blanca suddenly came out of nowhere next to Pidge holding a photo. "Oh, hey there girl. Shouldn't you be with Lance?" Pidge asked the White Lion. Blanca handed her the photo about something important and Pidge was shocked about what she sees. She suddenly burst into tears and hugged the Lion holding the photo as Shiro noticed the scene. "Are you alright, Pidge?" Shiro asked worryingly. "I'm fine. The White Lion showed me something," Pidge answered before she places the photo in her pocket. "What did she showed you?" He asked before she takes a deep breath. "Well, you thought that I met Lance in the Garrison, right?" She asked him and he nodded. "Well actually, the truth, we are friends during childhood before Hunk," She said making Shiro confused. "Childhood?" He asked. "Yeah. Before, we and our feminine friends used to run through the woods overnight playing wolves sometimes. Our parents don't mind because Lance's cousin Crystal has a big free-spirited home, and there is no harm and no danger," She explained. "Did you sometimes get lost in the woods?" Shiro asked. "No, we sometimes follow the stone paths to get back," Pidge said making Shiro understood. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "I don't know that our Lance was my friend Lance all along ever since Dad and Matt are gone with you," She said. Blanca snuggles under Pidge's arm for comfort and Pidge accepts her offer. "I...I never thought that I would forget him for the first time after I never went into summer break again. I just missed him like a siblinghood or cousin figure," She said as her tears started to fall again and Shiro catches it. "Hey, don't cry. It happens to anyone else sometimes," Shiro said. Pidge hugged him to calm herself and Shiro hugged her back resulting in a sound of whining fills the whole room. Pidge steps back holding her mouth with her hands panicking as Shiro realized what she just did. "Did you a dog?" Shiro asked as Pidge got nervous and her face turned red. "Maybe..." She replied making him blush with a smile. "You know? That's kinda cute," Pidge froze for a second after hearing those words. "Really?" She asked and he nodded. "Come here, I'm gonna scratch you," Shiro said making her blush even worse. "If you say so..." Pidge replied as she hugged him again while Shiro gives her scratches above her ears making her giggles to the touch. "You know, you may act like a dog if I were you," Shiro said. "Am I a dog to you now?" Pidge asked. "Maybe? Maybe not?" Shiro replied as he continues to scratch her hair while Blanca walks across the statue fountain for some fresh indoor breeze Lance made.

Hunk walks inside Lance's room seeing that he's not here. 'I guess he's in training with Keith,' Hunk thought as he places a tray of dessert on the nightstand until he noticed Lance's inhaler on it. 'An inhaler? How did he get that in space?' He thought as he examined it. He looks around to get some clues as he checked the bathroom when he saw there's blood on the sink next to an empty opened capsule. Hunk was shocked to see that but he can't leave to get some more clues. He scattered around the bed until he found Lance's locked wand box. Hunk scattered to find the key but to no avail. He examined the box carefully and he noticed a moon symbol on it which surprises him as he accidentally dropped the box. He quickly put the box back to it's position and left the room with the tray. Hunk was getting traumatized and confused about Lance's secrets while he went to the kitchen stressed cooking until he figured the puzzle out of his mind. 'Is Lance a witch?' He thought.

The Prince and the White Lion || Voltron (Blind Altean Witch Lance AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat