Chapter 1: Son of the Moon

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The Kingdom of Altea was been fallen, under attack by Galra, and the original Green, Blue, and Yellow Paladins of Voltron were been killed by Zarkon's witch Haggar and her dark magic. After Alfor put Allura and Coran in a cryo-sleep, a Nanny of Alfor's son approached him. "Sir, what are we gonna do with him?" She asked as she tries to calm the baby down. "Nanny, we'll take him to the escape pod," Alfor said giving her a small nod before both of them head straight to the escape pods. Alfor asked the Nanny to hold his son and she agreed before giving the baby to him. "My son, I don't know what to say but, I'm sorry that I will lose you. By the time you become a paladin after me, you will understand the truth." Alfor said to his son before he kisses him on his forehead then he places the baby into a pod, and Alfor gave him a sapphire locket. "Goodbye, Ainar," Alfor said, then he closed the pod and flew off leaving Altea behind.

Lance woke up from another dream that makes him confused. "No, no. Not this again," Lance thought as he wipes his sweat from his face. He looks at the time to see it's 6:30. He went to the bathroom to start doing his morning routine. As he's about to brush his teeth, he looks at the mirror to see his true face. White hair, ocean blue eyes, pointy ears, cheek marks, and height. He relaxes his thoughts as he uses his shapeshifting ability to turn himself back into a human self before start grooming.

Lance walks into the kitchen to grab a plate of goo for breakfast, then he grabs a cup of milk from Kaltenecker. As he went inside the dining hall, he noticed that Pidge fall asleep on the table with a laptop in front of her. Lance wouldn't mind waking her up so he decided to eat far away from her when Allura walked in. "Oh, Lance, you're up," Allura said as she mentioned him. "Yeah, just woke up from a nightmare," Lance said. "I understand," She replied before she mentioned Pidge still asleep. "I wouldn't mind waking her up because she would kill me if I have to," Lance added giving Allura an understanding acceptance. Pidge woke up by Shiro when the rest of the team came in and everyone started eating breakfast.

When they're finished eating, Allura was announced that the paladins will have full-time training and was told to change into their paladin armors. While the paladins were suiting up, Lance already in his armor, and he came into the training room for 30 ticks, Allura walked in after him, and to her surprise about his presence since he's started stretching while humming. "Wow, that was fast," Allura said getting Lance's attention, but he kept humming before he took out his red bayard. As Lance continues humming to a song, Allura started to familiarize the song. "What's that song you are humming?" Allura asked. "This song is called 'Daughter Of The Moon.' When I was a toddler, my mother used to sing it every night representing the sacrifice." Lance explained as he turns to face her in a serious look. "Why did you asked? Sounds familiar?" He asked. "Well, yeah. My mother used to sing me that song with my brother." Allura said. "Well, that's complicated," Lance replied as the paladins walked in and Shiro started to get confused about what they are talking about. When the training sequence is started, the paladins did their best to hit and aim the robots they are encountered with. Pidge electrocuted them using her electric grappling hook, Hunk did his best holding his canon as he aims them, Keith and Shiro did their best on hitting and stabbing them using their blades, Lance somehow started to breathe hard as he did his best aiming the robots but he got on the loose and started dodging them. Allura and Coran are very worried about the paladins such as Lance who struggle to avoid the robots. As the paladins proceeded to, Lance crouched down and breathe deeply. 'Patience, Yields, Focus,' Lance thought when a robot was about to attack him from behind, his eyes shot open with his ocean blue eyes as his bayard started changing, then he slings his arm cutting the robot in half, and proceeded to attack the others when they're near to the rest of the paladins as his bayard turned into a sword then he slashes them in one hit falling their bodies apart. Everyone was amazed by the scene when Lance's eyes turned back into deep blue and no one noticed. "Lance, what was that?!" Hunk asked. "I don't know. I just stayed patient." Lance answered as he looked at the sword-looking bayard. "Unbelievable," Coran said as he and Allura walked in. "It's an Altean broadsword. My father used one just like it. He was about to give it to my brother, but it didn't go well ever since the war." Allura explained looking at the sword Lance holds. "Wait, you have a brother?" Keith asked and she nodded. "He's around 15 deca-phoebes younger than me. He always thought me, when he became older, he would be a great paladin taking his position after my father." Allura said. Lance turns off his bayard and turns to face them happily on the outside. "I know your father will be proud of you," Lance said making Allura smiled.

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