Nishinoya: Joyride

Start from the beginning

 "Something tells me that maybe it isn't the designs you hate," Yū sounded like he was on the verge of giving up, "No, but what could it be?" He stroked his chin thoughtfully. 

 "I don't know, genius, what do you think?" you sarcastically retorted.  

 "Hmm," Yū contemplated before gasping, "My ass!" 

 His poor choice of words mixed with his inability to form articulate sentences caused several people in the store to turn their attention to where you and your boyfriend were standing. You blushed as your eyes widened with embarrassment. You laughed nervously at everyone looking at you before putting the pair of shoes in your hand down and dragging Yū off with you to another part of the shoe store. You found a small stool and flopped down onto it, placing your face in your hands. Yū kneeled down with a huge grin on his face, totally oblivious to the shame he had just brought upon you. 

 "Yū," you groaned in a muffled voice. 

 "Yeah, babe?" he responded optimistically, apparently unable to read your tone. 

 "Can we refrain from sporadically shouting 'my ass' in public areas with large crowds from here on in?" you sighed, rubbing your temples, "In fact, do it when you're not out with me. Just don't when I'm with you. Please."

 "Oh my God," you thought he was going to be serious, "You said that so formally. Oh my God, I love you so much." He sauntered up to you, draped his arms around your neck and leaned down to place numerous kisses all over your face. 

 "You really decide to be sweet at the worst of times," you hugged his waist and waited for him to finish before you let go of him, stood up, and started actually looking around for shoes. As you walked away from the high heels section, Yū picked up a pair of stilettos and continued trailing on behind you. You only realised that he was holding these shoes when you were settled down on a stool, trying on a pair that had caught your eye.

 "Babe," he crouched down in front of you. You met his eyes, raising a sceptical brow at the footwear pinched between his thumb and forefinger. 

 "Yū, what is a pair of stilettos doing in your hands?" you leaned back on the stool. 

 "Okay," he began, "Girls wear this stuff?"

 "Yeah, I guess," you were confused.

 "Okay, well I saw this thing saying that, like, boys could never know the struggle of having to walk in high heels and that they couldn't even if they tried," Yū waved his hands around eccentrically, "And today, I would like to disprove that theory. Will you do me the honour of being the audience who witnesses this revolution of mine?"

 "You know what? Sure," you facepalmed. 

 You realised you would get nowhere in attempting to reason with him. You perched your elbows on your knees and settled into your stool, watching as your boyfriend excitedly put the high heels on with his tongue stuck out this way and that. Once he finally had them on, he looked up to you with a proud grin on his face and used the small seat beside him to get up. You watched him silently, letting whatever this was run its course. 

 "Listen," he panted after his efforts, "We have to make a bet around this. I didn't just struggle for nothing." 

 "Oh," you scoffed, "Okay, okay. What did you have in mind?" 

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