"Oppa what's wrong with you?",both Gowoon and Mrs Mihyang looked at Seojun,confused.

"Why him?why I choose him?",Seojun complained and ran to his room while both Mrs Mihyang and Gowoon looked at each other.They both shrugged and continued watching the drama.

- -

Seojun leaned his back on the wall,waited for Suho infront of the mall.He really wanted to ask about yesterday but he decided to keep it for himself and save for the right time.

"Han Seojun~"

Seojun looked at Suho running towards him,"sorry for being late",Suho apologized.Seojun eyed Suho,

"Well of course you're late cause I'm nothing to you",he complained inside his head.

"It's okay",Seojun replied to Suho and walked inside follow by Suho.Suho noticed Seojun acted weird as he used to talk a lot when they're together.Suho took a few steps early until he perfectly walked by Seojun's side and asked him,"do you want to grab some brunch?".

"I already eaten",Seojun answered him,short or concise.Suho pouted,he actually haven't eaten his breakfast so that he can spend longer time with Seojun.

"Then,where do you want to go first?",he asked.Seojun pointed his finger to the store infront of them,"maybe there",he replied without even looking at Suho.He walked quickly without even care of Suho as Suho increased his pace to catch up on Seojun.

"Welcome~",one of the staff greeted them as Seojun walked to the beauty section.

"So what do you want to buy?",Suho asked.Seojun gave a short glance and shrugged as he took a lip tint and tested on his palm.Suho took a concealer then tapped Seojun's shoulder,"do you know you can use concealer to make our gradient lips pop?You can use concealer to lighten the lips and for beginner,make sure to use a very thin layer of concealer",Suho explained proudly to Seojun.

Seojun huffed in annoyance,"wow did Jugyeong told you that?",he mumbled."What?Sorry i can't hear you",Suho asked Seojun to repeat his words."nothing",Seojun put down the lip tint and walked away from there.Suho was left clueless as he put back the concealer to its place and ran back to Seojun.

"Welcome~",Seojun walked into the Nature Rep*blic store and walked to the eye section.He took some eyeliners,checking the substance as he don't really know much about it.

"We can use eyeliner to make our eyes look bigger.Make sure to apply the dark eyeliner slightly away from the inner corners",Suho told Seojun while tried to look for the right eyeliner to suggest at the guy beside him.Seojun heaved and put back the eyeliner to the place.

"Here,maybe—-",Suho was startled as Seojun already walked out from the store without telling him."What's with him?",Suho bit his lips as he put back the eyeliner and tried to catch up on Seojun.

- -

A few hours have passed but Seojun didn't buy anything yet.In fact,they already went to many shops such as Nature Rep*blic,Inn*sfree,Lane*ge and Sa*m.Whenever Suho suggested something to Seojun,Seojun will walked away from the store.Suho was astounded with Seojun's odd attitude but he didn't have the courage to ask him.

They both decided to grab something to eat before continue shopping,well Suho is the one decided and Seojun just agreed on him.They didn't talk much especially when Seojun only replied with one word,yes or no.After they ordered their food,Suho tried to initiate a conversation with Seojun.

"Do you have any preference on the makeup brands that you want?So that it can be easier for us to look for it later",Suho asked."No",Seojun replied with his eyes glued on his phone,doesn't even glanced at Suho at all.Suho was dumbfounded with Seojun's behaviour,did he do something wrong?

"Seojun,i'll go to the restroom for a while",Suho told the guy infront of him.Seojun only nodded lowkey ignoring Suho as he was focused on playing the game at his phone.Suho sighed as he walked away,leaving his phone on the table.

As Seojun playing with his phone,he heard the notification ringtone coming from Suho's phone.He looked around to make sure Suho wasn't there as he took the phone and saw the message notification coming from Jugyeong.

Jugyeong:here i send more,hope you like it 😁

Seojun felt something rushed into his veins. "What did she send?Is it her selfie?Owh so are they dating now?",Seojun really wanted to tap on the message but he didn't want to invade Suho's privacy eventhough he lowkey almost did that.

He put down the phone and continue playing with his phone and a few minutes later,Suho came back from the restroom."owh our food doesn't come yet",Suho said happily but Seojun didn't reacted to him at all,continue ignoring Suho.

Suho took his phone as he read the message he got from Jugyeong.At the same time,Seojun secretly shifted his gaze to Suho who was slightly smiled after reading the message.

"That's it!",Seojun suddenly stood as Suho's attention turned to him."Seojun,where are you going?",he asked but then Seojun just walked away from the cafe,he ran as fast as he could so that Suho won't catch up on him.He heard his phone continuously ringing probably because of Suho.After he walked out from the mall,he stopped and gasped for breaths as his head started to have a heart-to-heart talk with himself.

"Why did i run?what's wrong with you today Han Seojun?",Thoughts coming in clicking his head.Mixed feelings engulfed him either anger,jealousy or confusion.

"Han Seojun!"

Seojun turned to his side and saw Suho running towards him.Seojun's eyes widened as he decided to run but luckily Suho managed to grab his hand,stopped Seojun from running.

"What's going on?Are you okay?",Suho asked,his face portrayed worriness over Seojun's bizarre behaviour."Nothing",Seojun removed his hand from Suho's grip and walked away when Suho pulled Seojun's body until their body faced each other.

"Stop lying,tell me now what's wrong.Maybe we ca-"

"I don't know!",Han Seojun cut his words,Suho stunned in surprise.Seojun tried to brainstorm the right word but he couldn't,what he want at that time is to just leave."I'm going back",Seojun gave a last look at Suho before he stopped a cab.Suho was so confused and irritated at the same time.He also didn't know what to do in these kinds of situation cause this can be considered as his first time facing this issue.He looked at Seojun walked inside the cab as the cab drove away from there leaving him standing alone infront of the mall.

Just You //SeojunXSuho True Beauty FFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt