Alex: thanks honey but, shouldn't we be more focused on getting the guy.

Five: yeah but not a drink of alcohol wouldn't hurt.

That one glasses turn into the whole bottle. Alex did drink the same amount that five had but alcohol didn't have the same effect five was. So five was drunk.

Five: hey sexy, you come here often?

Alex sighs then go sits next to five.

Alex: you're cute when your drunk but you have a very... different attitude.

Five smacks Alex's chest before climbing on Alex's lap.

Five: And you're sexier when you're quiet.

Alex: am I always quiet or do I just have nothing to say?

Five: God your such a goofball.

Five raps his arms around Alex, before kissing Alex. Alex kisses back, knowing very well that five gets very touchy. It wasn't his first time dealing with a drunk five. Alex moves one of his hands to fives chin while the other was on his waist. Alex bits five's bottom lip, asking for permission to enter five's mouth. Five moans before opening his lips for Alex. As they both were making out, forgetting that anyone can walk on them. Alex hears a gust of wind. Amenadiel walked into the library, trying to find Alex. Alex pulled away from five, as five whines. Alex didn't want Amenadiel to take five away, the only person that made him happy.

Alex: hey baby, listen to me. I'll be back, so be good for daddy and stay put okay? I have something important but you have to trust daddy.

Five: okay daddy but please come back. And besides, I really can't go anywhere. I'm going to take a quick nap with Delores.

Alex nods before putting five next to Delores. Alex walked towards Amenadiel but doesn't realize he drops something very important.

Alex: hey Amenadiel what are you doing here? You know very well that you are not supposed to be here.

Amenadiel: where is she, Alex. I need to make sure she's okay.

Alex: no, well not yet at least.

Amenadiel: what, why not.

Alex: because I need both of you for something and no it's nothing bad... well a least what I know.

Amenadiel: what do you want us? We were fine like we were Alex.

Alex: we? The last time I remember you left me all alone... where were YOU when I need someone huh? Oh yeah, you were kissing Dad's ass while you stood next to him when he killed Allison.

Amenadiel was about to say something before he was pinned to the wall. Alex grabs his neck while Amenadiel was grabbing Alex's hand to stop him from choking him to death. Alex then grabs a knife and points it at him. This knife was no ordinary knife, this knife could kill any angel. Amenadiel eyes get wider.

Amenadiel: w-where did you get this Alex.

Alex: I got this little thing when I escaped from hell. Well right after I broke in Heaven building of gods.

Alex inches the knife closely to Amenadiel.

Alex: Now you listen here "brother" and listen closely. You will stay put in heaven when the time is right. You will do as I say because I have eyes everywhere. You will not speak of this and if you do, you will never see Lizy ever again.

Alex shows him a glimpse of Lizy. Who was in a type of cell that had all the necessary items she needed? Alex had told Lizy about his plan. He needed to make it look like Liz was trapped. If not them Amenadiel wouldn't do anything he'd done for Liz. He had to keep this up until he got his orders from his older sister. Alex has many siblings but he was talking about his biological family. Not his God/ angel family.

Amenadiel: fine but once this thing you're trying to do, you'll let Liz go right?

Alex: yes, she's no use to me, once this is over. Now go home.

Alex backs away, watching Amenadiel walking away. As time went back to normal, he heard five siblings. He looked over to see Luther and Diego. He decides to walk back to five. As he was walking he puts the knife away in his pocket before hearing a group of people surrounding five. Alex smacks his face, sighing how people don't mind their own business. Because of the loud crowd, Luther and Diego walked in and see five's husband/boyfriend.

Diego: hey Alex

Luther: hey weres five?

Alex: he's over there

Alex points to where his husband, Luther, and Diego looked over to see five asleep. Luther walked over to five picking him up while Diego grabs five's bag and Delores. He questions why he has it but doesn't say anything. Alex was well aware that Delores is a mannequin but didn't say anything. As the three walked out five slowly wakes up

Five: hi Luther...

Five quickly looks around frankly to find his beloved husband.

Diego: five we need to talk

Luther: something happened at the house and don't even think about throwing up on me.

Five: ill talk when I know where my God damn husband is.

Alex walks slowly behind, watching them talk but he doesn't say anything.

Luther: this is serious five two armed guys came to the house trying to look for you

Five: oh you're talking about hazel and cha cha

Diego: I hate code names five.

Five: those code names are their names, they are the best of the best... well except me of course.

Luther: five we—

Five; you know Delores hates it when I drink while Alex doesn't get as drunk as me and I hate it. Because of my stupid 13-year-old body, I can't do anything...

Luther: five pay attention

Diego: look we're just trying to protect you five.

Five; protect me? Do you know how many people I killed? They called me the four horsemen for nothing. Alex could probably kill anyone on the spot...

Five the looks over Luther's shoulders and pukes. Luther looks disgusted while Alex and Diego try not to laugh.

Five; speaking of which, have you guys seen him? Alex hasn't come back and I miss him. I told him that I was gonna be a good boy and stay at the same spot he left me.

Alex just shakes his head and smirks.

Alex: I'm here love.

Five turns and gives Alex a big goofy smile.

Five: hi daddy

Luther and Diego were shocked at what came out of five's mouth. Five reaches out for Alex.

Five: carry me

Alex takes five out of Luther's arms, carrying him in a bridal position. Alex blushes because he was embarrassed that his siblings had to hear him call him "daddy". Five looks at Alex and giggles.

Diego: come on guys, I have a place we can go. those psychopaths won't find us there.

Five: honey, you're carrying me like your pride.

Alex: five, sweetie... we're married?

Five: even better.

Diego: come on love birds.

Luther and Diego laughed as Alex just rolls his before smiling at his cute husband. But what Alex didn't know is that five found out about the picture of Allison and the baby's ultrasound

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