She get back exhausted taking slow steps to Clares room, knocking Clare opens the door shock written in her face when she see her crying , immediately pulling her into her arms Andy then breaks down , she whispers smoothing words to her without asking any question , Andy was thankful she didn't ask and Clare concluded that right now Andy needed comfort not confrontation .

The next morning , Evans calls her nonstop but she doesn't pick his call, she finally tells Clare what had happened and also tells her why she said no to him, Clares stares at her knowing what she could be feeling.

"oh Andy" she hugs her and say " do you think you're doing the right thing I mean you don't want to get hurt yet you're here crying because you lied to yourself about how you feel for him "

Andy stays quiet as she listened to Clare

"I mean you do like him right?" she nods her head " then why don't you try and see were it leads , Evans is not your father Andy his a different person entirely so don't put him down because of the mistake your father made" Clare finish,

Andy looks at her " but I am too scared to try"

Clare raise her brows at her before saying " yoo, is Andy Makena talking about being scared because of a man" Andy playfully push her while she laughs at her" come on Andy don't forget I am your manager and right now we need to make money so get up and cheer up lets get to training " she nods in understanding .
Evans didn't know what to do, he was restless throughout the night , what did he do wrong? He didn't want to lose her so he was not going to give up that easily but first of all he needed to do his work properly which is why when he when Andy and Clare came to see him the next morning he didn't make them feel uncomfortable , after their meeting he told Clare to wait Andy relief takes her leave immediately .

Clare raises a brow at him knowing he wants to talk about Andy " I guess she told you what happened "

Clares blurts out "she cried all night long Evans"

shocked he exclaims " what!" she nods and says

" she's scared Evans don't give up on her "

he chuckles and says " what do you take me for Clare I'm not that shallow ok, I wasn't planning on giving up, I just didn't want to bother her now since she still have a magazine to model "

Clare smiles at what she heard from him " just be patient with her Evans and let her explain everything to you" he nods and says " thanks a lot Clare " she smiles and says " oh I like office romance " he laughs at her joke before she takes her leave .
Evans stares at her as she work , she didn't speak to him this morning no, she avoided him even when he tries to speak with her she pretends not to see him coming and make a race for it .

After what Clare told him this morning it is more reason why he didn't want to give up on her yet he didn't want to distract her and since his an expert in using his work as an excuse he let her be , she didn't expect his feelings to change quickly it irked her, what was I expecting she asked herself, she sighs about to go when Evans pulls her with him as he takes quick steps to his office.

" Evans what are you..." she trails off when he push her to the wall and stands dangerously close to her staring her in the eyes, his breaths fans her neck making her dizzy while his scent overwhelms her.

" I know you lied about not wanting to be with me Andy , don't think I will give up easily no, I've never been this serious with anyone in my life Andy , so don't play with my feelings"

She can't even focus because of how close he is with her not saying a word he stares at her lips then back to her face ,

he exhales and says" just know this I won't give up on you not when I've found you Andy and you did good today" smiling he lets go of her she rush outside immediately he let her go dumping into Tori ,

Tori glare at her and says "watch were you're going bitch" Andy didn't even hear a word she said as she race down the hall ,Tori sighs and says " you just watch and see Andy ".
Its been weeks since Evans confessed his feelings yet Andy tried her best to avoid him but didn't succeed thankfully he let her be but she knew at the back of her mind that he didn't want to distract her from her work.

Clare have been a good manager since when they started the photoshoot and the project she help Andy grow and they concluded the photoshoot two days ago now waiting for the print out while they rapped up in their training .
Zac have been busy with tours and race his job demanded a lot from him so Andy couldn't say much to him about what is going on but nevertheless they still found time to call and chat .

The fashion show is finally at the concern and its been a very busy training session for the new models which also means their training is coming to an end.

They were all gathered in the hall while Madison talked to them

" well in two days , we will be done with our six months training and you all will be fully registered models"

they applaud in excitement when she paused she smiles at them and continue

" so guys let's get the party poping!" she exclaims they all laugh at her outburst and clap, Andy smiling turns only to find Evans looking at her , she immediately turn her face not wanting to make eyes contact with him, he chuckles before turning his attention away from her.

It's been a busy day Andy jumps on her bed and says out loud " oh dear, what a day" as her thoughts wander to Evans ,how long can she keep her feelings at bay she thought" I really want to be with him but I love myself more or so I tell myself .

Can you believe She didn't accept his feelings😲😲😲

I feel sorry for him

So I want to thank everyone for the love I've been getting and comment and votes also,I really appreciate.

Don't forget to leave a comment and a⭐ ,i love you all😊

Theme songs
Never be the same by Camila Cabello
Can we kiss forever by Kina

ANDY MAKENAWhere stories live. Discover now