"Of course you would be able to charm the Blood Alpha and Luna," Killian says, chuckling slightly. "Only you, Katrina, only you."

"Well, I do have an advantage," I admit, grinning. "Do you want to know something interesting I've Seen?"

"Of course."

"Kage and Layla are mates," I tell him, laughing.

Killian is stunned into silence for a moment. "But... How?"

"Kage turns 18 soon. The mating bond doesn't snap into place for them until then," I respond, still laughing, Seeing how the two wolves react when they find out.

"She doesn't try killing him, does she?" Killian asks in disbelief.

I laugh harder, accidentally coughing up blood in the process, and Killian's thumb strokes my side until it stops.

"No," I answer, when the coughing stops, but I still smile as waves crash in the distance. "No, they will be very happy together. She brings him out of his shell more, he gives her more stability. They balance each other perfectly. Two perfect halves."

Killian is quiet for a moment. "Do you wish it was different?" he finally asks.

"I'm assuming you aren't asking about Kage and Layla," I sigh.

"You know what I'm asking, Katrina."

"No," I answer after a pause. "I made my choices. None of them were wrong."

"You didn't choose your Sight."

"No," I agree. "But it is mine. It is part of me. If I did not have my Sight, I would not be me. I would not change a single thing about this."

I spent the majority of my life hating my Sight, wishing I was normal, wishing I was like everyone else. But as the end rapidly approaches, I can See clearly, that I was always meant for this. There couldn't have been anyone else. 

"Not if it meant having more time?" Killian asks bleakly.

"The time I have spent on Earth has been enough," I smile sadly. "There are things I would have liked to experience, but I was never meant to do them. I did everything I was meant to do. Did more than I was supposed to."

"What does that mean?" Killian asks in confusion.

My heart sinks as I poke at the sand.  "Onyx Knight," I say finally. "Her true mate is dead because of a decision I made. Thane is dead because of a decision I made. My death is the price that must be paid for saving the Blood Alpha. I Saw too much, took too much of my life trying to See that much. To make sure he and Ares Alstott lived."

"Why did you do it then?" Killian asks, his voice terse, borderline angry.

"Seers must protect the prosperous future," I tell him. "The Blood Lake children had to be born. There is no future without them."

A pause. "I suppose you aren't going to tell me what that means?"

I laugh slightly. "You know I can't." Telling someone a particular future is almost a surefire way of making sure it doesn't happen like it should. Things will already be... bad, messy in the future. Tragic things will have to occur in order for things to work out as they should, and if someone stops them...

"Typical Seer," he teases, pulling me on his lap.

"If memory serves me correctly, Alpha, you were the one who wanted a Seer," I retort bemusedly.

A deep sigh from Killian. "Oh, darling. Even with your strengthened Sight, you are blind as ever. And yes, I do realize you are technically blind," he adds before I can. "I already told you. Seer or not, I would have claimed you."

Between the Dimensions✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें