Chapter three: The tour

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Saturday, August 29

I wake up to my phone blaring my ringtone and groan. I look over to my alarm clock to see its 8AM and groan even louder. What the booty is this crap? Who is calling me at eight in the morning? I pick up my phone and answer the call.

"Hello" I ask.

"Hey it's Tatum"

"Oh hey, how did you get my number?" I say awkwardly.

"I got it from your dad" he tells me. Of course my dad gave him my number. "Anyways I will pick you up in like fourty-five minutes, Is that ok with you?" Pick me up? Pick me up for wh- Oh crap the tour!

"Oh yeah that's fine I'm good with that." Oh shoot I haven't even showered yet! I jump out of bed and quickly walk over to my closet and get a white crop top with some shorts and a pair of brown sandals.

"Are you ok" He asks me. I walk into my bathroom and set the clothes on the counter, all the while holding the phone between my ear and shoulder. I know I'm awesome.

"Yes why" I ask him. I can hear him shuffling around through the phone speaker. I put the phone down and put him on speaker while I put on some mascara and a little bit of lip gloss.

"Because i can hear you moving around a lot" he pauses "And I can see you" he says.

Oh shoot I forgot to close my curtains again. I look out my window to see him staring at me. He picks up his hand and waves while I just glare at him.

"You stalker, why are you looking through girls windows" I say to him. He looks at me like I just asked the stupidest question in the world and flips me off. I give him a bewildered look and hang up on him and walk back into my bathroom. As I was turning around I see a smirk on his face and role my eyes at him. As I continue getting ready my phone rings with his name on it every thirty seconds. When it rings for the hundredth time I answer with an aggravated huff.

"What do you want" I answer with an eye roll.

"Is that how you speak to your mother" I hear my moms voice. As soon as I realize who it is a smile takes over my face.

"I'm sorry mom I thought you were someone else" I tell he truthfully.

"Oh ok well I will probably be coming home in the early morning tomorrow." She says.

"Ok mom love you" I say. I look out the window to see Tatum walk by his window while taking his shirt off. I look at his defined chest and let my eyes travel downwards towards his six pack then further down to his v line that gets cut off by the jeans on his hips. Holy moly my eyes have been blessed! He turns around and catches me looking and smirks. Oh no! He just caught me checking him out! I let out a loud shriek and duck under my bed.

"Are you ok baby" my mom asks. Oh shoot I forgot I was on the phone with her.

"Yes I'm fine, sorry mom" I tell her. I peek out from the top of my bed and don't see Tatum, so I get up off the floor and go down stairs. I look into the kitchen and see my dad sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and rapidly typing on his phone.

"Morning dad" I tell him. I walk over to the fridge and get a bagel, cream cheese, and my ice coffee. I put the bagel in the toaster and get a plate. While waiting I get ice and put it in my cup then I put my coffee in the cup and clean my mess up. By the time I'm done my bagel is ready, so I put the cream cheese on it and go sit down with my dad.

"Morning honey" He tells me. he sets his phone down and looks at me. "Was that you that screamed this morning" he asks. My face heats up at his question and it's suddenly very hot in here.

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