I Love You (Chibi Chan)

Start from the beginning

Y/N picked up the second menu herself, "So what are you getting?"

"I'm not sure, it all looks pretty good." Kenma replied.

"Okay, well I'll be getting the tonkotsu ramen." Y/N said.

"I'll be getting the same thing too I guess," Kenma sighed as he put the menu down, "I'm too lazy to decide."

The waiter came just in time to order the food.  She had shoulder length black hair, with bangs, that complimented her dark brown eyes.  For some reason, that caught Kenma's eye.

"So what can I get for the two of-" The waitress began.

Kenma and Y/N became confused on why she stopped talking all of the sudden.

Kenma began to ask the waitress, "Um is everything-"

"Wait are you Kodzuken?!" The waiter interrupted.

"Yeah I am," Kenma replied.

"Hi I'm Mai san, I'm a very big fan of yours," Mai said, "can I maybe get a selfie before I get your food?"

Kenma looked over at Y/N, wanting her to stop the interacting, but Y/N didn't know what to do."

"Kenma san says yes?" Y/N replied.

"Thank you so much," Mai said excitedly, pulling out her phone in the process.

Mai put her hand behind Kenma's chair for the selfie while Kenma awkwardly threw up a peace sign.  She then put her phone away to do her job.

"So what would the two of you like today?" Mai continued.

"We would both like the tonkotsu ramen please," Kenma answered, pointing at the name from the menu.

"Is that it for today or would you like beverages?" Mai said, scribbling on her notepad.

"Two cups of ice tea would be nice thanks," Y/N replied.

"Okay, your order will be out in a sec," Mai proceeded.

The waitress walked away while Y/N put the menus back in their spots at the table.

"Well she seems nice," Y/N started.

"She's better than the other fans I've met," Kenma said, "if she doesn't spit in your food then she's a good person."

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked.

"There was this one time I was out with a partner for a group project and she ordered a drink along with me."  Kenma started, "Anyways, the fan just spit in her drink so we went somewhere else for the project."

"I didn't know fans could be like that,"

"I didn't either, but there were several incidents like that too."

Mai came back with the food and drinks and quickly dropped them off.  The friends said thanks for the food before eating.  Y/N inspected her drink and food, while Kenma split his wooden chopsticks.

"Kenma san?" Y/N began.

"Yeah what is it?" Kenma replied.

"She's a nice person," Y/N held two thumbs up.

"Oh?" Kenma mumbled with a blush on his face.

"Yep, so I guess she's a bit different." Y/N said before eating her ramen.

A little after an hour or so, the friends were finished eating and called Mai over for the payment.

"Okay so your total is 1,621 yen," Mai said, leaving the receipt on the table, "I'll leave it here so I can help out other customers."

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