"Noona?" Jungkook's soft voice disrupted the array of your thoughts.

"Yeah... no... you don't need to change anything babe, I think your routine is fine, at least for another month." You said turning on your heels to move towards the trio in the other corner of the gym.

Before you knew it, you were assessing the three and assigning them their respective machines. You were right in the middle of checking Yoongi's weight plates so it wouldn't be too strenuous on his fragile shoulders, when a loud yelp echoed off the walls of the gym followed by a loud thump. You motioned the others to wait as you ran towards the source of the familiar voice.

Your eyes met with the sight of Jungkook's left hand gripping his right shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed, his mouth partially open, gasping for air, a pained expression written all over his sweaty face. Your eyes shifted to multiple giant weight plates all on a pile on the floor, having slid of the dumbbell bar.

"What do you think you're doing?" your voice half-laced with annoyance, half with concern.

"I was just... lifting weights" he said breathlessly.

"Yeah I can see that. But why are they out of your weight class? Why did you add on an extra 10 pounds to the barbell?" you ask.

"I just wanted to try something..."

"Well you can't just impulsively change your weight class Jungkook. It's gonna strain your arm muscles. No wonder you got hurt." You said crouching down to your knees as you tried to move his arm back and forth, checking on his muscle strain.

"I just wanted to improve my frame..."

"Well you can't do that Jungkook. We follow a level of professionalism here. There's a reason I'm your personal trainer." You said sternly. Nothing came in between you and strict professionalism, and Jungkook knew that. It was part of the reason as to why he found you so enticing.

"I- I'm sorry" he said chest heaving.

"You gonna tell me why you really did that babe?" you say in a softer tone. You could tell Jungkook had a hidden intention behind his impulsive action.

"No reason."

"Don't give me that bullshit Jeon, tell me..."

"Fine! I got a bit insecure when you were complimenting Jin hyung's figure, so I wanted to change things up a bit..." he said sighing.

"Gguk, hey look at me..." he immediately looked up to the voice of you calling him by his nickname.

"Listen... please don't feel insecure... it's my job to observe and analyse your guys' figures and ensure you guys remain healthy and fit. And the comments I throw around about your bodies during our sessions are merely to decide what's the next step to keep you guys in shape. It's my job Gguk, you need to understand. I am in no way comparing you guys to each other okay?" you said calmly explaining to him.

"Okay..." he said a small smile forming on his lips.

"Promise me you won't go ahead and do anything impulsive like that again... because if you hurt yourself, your fans are gonna be really upset and worried about you."


"Mr. Jeon Jungkook, I never thought of you as the jealous type." You said giggling after a short pause, trying to lift the tension in the room.

"Noona... hush" he says his cheeks turning red, as he refused to meet your eyes.

You drank in his flustered and dishevelled state as you bent down to his level and thread your fingers through his long black hair. His eyes visibly widened as you closed the proximity between the two of you.

"You have some guts, telling me what to do Gguk..." you said dominating the chiselled man in front of you. You watched as his Adams apple bobbed up and down nervously.

"N-Noona... someone might see us..." he gulps, his breath uneven.

"Let them" you say connecting your lips in a steamy kiss, the fear of being caught, leaving a feeling of excitement shiver through your body. You let your tongue dart out, tracing a warm trail along his soft lips. Just as he opened his mouth to give you the entrance you ever so subtly asked for, you pulled your tongue away, completely disconnecting your lips from his.

You watched his hooded eyes, blown out with lust, flutter open, as he looks at you with his mouth agape.

"Sorry baby, duty calls." You say standing up, smirking.

"B-But..." you watched his adorable red cheeks as he struggled to form words.

"I promise I'll make it up to you tonight." You say winking and walking away to resume your job, leaving Jungkook's mess of state behind.


A/N: I wanted to try something different and write Y/N as a dom character and the male lead as a sub character. Also I wanted to show that Jungkook is a perfectionist. He wants to be good at everything, and he is, owing to his competitive nature. But I just wanted to make a point that he doesn't have to be good at everything for us to love him. We all love him no matter what, and that he doesn't have to strain himself, just to feel loved by us.

𝙱𝚃𝚂 × 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜) ✓Where stories live. Discover now