"Waiting for me?"

She nodded, "Yes, Let's walk together."

She's probably concerned to leave Y/N alone which Y/N appreciated. At the same time, she doesn't mind being left alone.

"Alright, Let's."

We started walking as the two lovebirds are just behind them. It's a quiet walk but she doesn't mind. Minutes later, Y/N felt a hand clung to her sleeves which made her look at her. She was terrified so she looks at where Irene's looking.

It's a dog.

"Are you scared of dogs?" She asked as she looked at her. She nodded as her response. Y/N offered her hand to her.

"Hold my hand. You don't have to be scared. I'm here."

Irene accepted her hand, squeezing it tightly. They passed the dog successfully which made her sigh in relief. Y/N pat her head.

"That's a great job. I knew you can do it."

She giggled, "Thank you it was because of you."

"Heyy! What are you two-" Seulgi, who almost disturb their interaction, stopped talking. They are walking hand in hand, smiling towards each other like a couple. Seulgi just smiled and let them.

Suzy, who's behind Seulgi looked at them. She was worried that Y/N might feel lonely but looking at them, it made her doubt. Luckily, the two never noticed them staring at them since they were busy in their own world.

"They-" Suzy started, "look good together."

Seulgi heard her and immediately looked at Suzy, whose lips formed a sad smile.

"Indeed," Seulgi said.


It made everyone laughed and agreed.

"YAH!" Irene playfully shouted back. She almost runs to Yeri but her hand is still holding Y/N's hand.

"Alright, let's stop there," Tiffany said. "Let's assemble the tent first so we can go swimming and strolling around."

They started assembling the tents and beach umbrellas. It was full of bickering and teasing yet it was fun. Y/N set down the beach mat as she laid her body there.

The girls started to go and swim. Y/N was left behind with Irene. The couple left too to check in to there to a hotel nearby. They have decided to spend their night and leave for Daegu tomorrow afternoon.

"You're not going to swim?" Irene sits beside her.

"No, probably later," Y/N answered. "How about you?"

"Later, too," Irene answered as she laid her back to the mat beside Y/N. "You don't mind me laying with you, right?"

"I don't mind," Y/N said the opposite. Her heart is beating so fast and hopes that Irene won't hear it.

"We're back!" Tiffany announced. They placed down the foods they bought on the table. "We're staying at Sunset Business Hotel. It's just nearby."

Yeri came back rushing to them. "We met a good fortune-teller who gives great advice. You must see her."

Irene raised an eyebrow.

"You should go. We'll stay here." Taeyeon said. "Have fun."

Yeri walks towards her and drags her along with Irene.

"Yah! We can walk, no need to drag us." Irene complained as Yeri lets them go. They look at each other first and both shrugged. They followed Yeri.

They reached a small tent. Outside, they can see Seulgi, Wendy, and Joy. Suzy must be inside the small tent.

"I got goosebumps, honestly." They heard Seulgi said as they walk towards them. Wendy spotted them.

"There they are!" Wendy said. "Suzy's inside. We're all done. You must give it a try."

"I don't really believe in that," Irene said, "but sure."

Suzy came outside with a sad smile, "Soulmate problem."

Since they can't reveal what the woman inside said, they just simplified it.

"Whoever your soulmate is, Imma beat that person!" Joy exclaimed. Suzy smiled and shook her head.

"I'll go first" Y/N whispered to Irene. Normally, she wouldn't believe this. But she encountered the other Y/N, so maybe this is real.

Irene nodded.

She took a deep breath before entering the small tent. In the middle, there's a table and a chair. On the other side of the chair, an Old Lady is seating.

Her face showed her bewildered look.

"I-it's you! The one who sold m-me the necklace." Y/N stuttered. Her confusion made the Old Lady chuckled.

"This is a part-time job. Have a seat and let me give you advice."

Y/N, still feeling nervous, obliged.

"Let me hold your hand." The Old Lady said as Y/N extended her hand. The Old Lady held it.

"How would I know that whatever you'll say is real?" Y/N asked.

The Old Lady hummed, "Hmm."

"There's someone else inside your head." She added, "The other Y/N."

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, "H-how-?"

"Confusion messes our minds. That's why you must think thoroughly. Your soulmate will always be your soulmate, no matter what are the circumstances. You must always choose her." The Old Lady said.

"How would I know if this person is my soulmate?" I asked.

"Your soulmate is the one who waits for you. You broke something very special, but she still forgave you. She, who loves you the most." She answered.

"Do I know my soulmate?"

"Yes, you met her already. She's just near you." The Old Lady smiled and answered. "I hope you chose what is fated for you, Y/N."

"H-how did you know my name?" I uttered but she ignored my question.

"I just know." The Old Lady answered as she gestured me to leave. I stood and bowed.

"Thank you, I'm taking my leave now."

I turned my back and ready to leave when she uttered something, "Wrong decision will make you regret."

"Yes, I know." With that, I left her tent and met my friends.

"How was it?" Joy asked.


"Alright then, you're next!" Joy dragged Irene but not that aggressive. Irene entered the tent.



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