*°•○Part Five○•°*

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"Butterflies are fairies, Louise, but not exactly like us," Rosalind replied thoughtfully. "See, we Rose Fairies have our garden. The other Flower Fairies stay in their meadow, the Tree Elves live in the forest, our soldiers in the lake... But Butterfly Fairies are... wayfarers. They never settle anywhere long enough to establish their own kingdom, they follow their Monarchs from place to place. That's why my parents don't think that Blue is a suitable match for me."

"But that sounds amazing. The whole world is their realm, then," Louise said dreamily. "Just imagine all the places they see during their travels, all their adventures!"

"Yes!" Rosalind called, sounding as excited as Louise. "Once I find Blue, I'll travel with them. They are all so kind and friendly, nothing like my parents."

"Excuse me, Rosalind, but why do all the butterflies on our side of the lake look... well... just like butterflies? I have never seen one resembling you," Hans asked, getting quite sleepy and a little bored with the girls' fantasizing. He wanted to know the important things.

"For the same reason why you thought I was a dragonfly until you cared to look at me properly," she retorted. "And I even revealed myself to you two because I needed your help! Still, it took you a good while to see me for what I am. Those of us who don't want to be recognised can use magic to conceal their real looks from human eyes forever."

"So you insist that all the butterflies in our world are fairies... Are you sure?"

"Yes. They are curious and adventurous. Many of them decide to visit your world and some of them choose to stay there."

Louise and Hans looked at each other. None of them had ever thought about this... Was it really true? Or was this all just this fairy's fairy tale?

Hans chuckled at the words his mind produced even as Rosalind scowled at him before turning to Louise.

"I hear what you are thinking, remember?" Rosalind told the girl, frowning. "You didn't trust me in the lake, and that's why you nearly drowned! You still don't trust me completely even now, after all that you've seen. And neither do you, Hans. Please, believe me, I'm not lying!"

"I trust you, Rosalind," Louise said after a few moments of thoughtful silence. "I really do now."

"I trust you, too," Hans said, recalling how many incredible things and creatures they encountered since they found this fairy in that old shed.

"Good. You do believe me in the end, I can see it," Rosalind said, smiling at them contentedly, even as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" she called.

Rolo entered, followed by another Rose Elf. A tiny girl, a head shorter than him.

"Roza! I missed you!" Rosalind jumped to her feet.

She sank to her knees once she reached them and embraced the little elf even as the creature begged, "Please, Princess, don't do this anymore, I've been so worried. First, you elope with that butterfly of yours, and then you disappear in the lake..."

"I thought you liked Blue, Roza." Rosalind smiled at her, making the elf girl smile in response.

"I do. We do," she said, taking Rolo's hand in hers. "But we didn't like that you left us here, tell her, Rolo."

"Yes, Princess. We..." he said, looking at Roza for support. "If you have to do that again, then take us with you, please."

"But... Are you sure, Rolo? Don't you always say that you do not understand the Butterfly Fairies, that you could never live out of this castle?"

"We don't agree with your parents, Princess. They should not force you to marry who they choose for you. You must follow your heart. And if that means that you'll leave this rose bush forever, we will come with you," Roza insisted.

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