Playboy & The Double

Começar do início

I place my hand in between the closing doors, stopping it for whoever had asked. A petite woman enters the elevator, wearing a short dress and jean jacket. She was attractive with curly brown hair and pouty lips. She smiles as she presses the button for level four, "Thank you for holding it."

I smirk as I analyze her appearance, "Anything for a beautiful woman."

She blushes before looking up at me, "Oh wait I know you. You're Julius Ashford right?" She asks.

I nod, "In the flesh."

"Congratulations on your engagement!" She says happily. I frown briefly before smiling lightly at her, "Thank you." I reply.

The doors open as we reach the floor and the woman steps out before turning to me, "She is one lucky woman." She says with a wink as the door closes.

I frown to myself as the elevator continues to go up. Stella was cock blocking without even being here. Truthfully I didn't have any interest in sleeping with other women, at least for now. My prime target at the moment was Stella, and sleeping with anyone else would also throw off our plans. Women liked to talk and I couldn't let it be known that I was already cheating on my fiancé.

I enter my apartment building and head straight upstairs to my home office. Sunday afternoons usually consisted of me doing work to get ready for the week. Friday nights are when I like to go out and party.

I'd had many scandals in the past. The media loved getting compromising photos of me. Whether it's me stumbling out of a club with a woman or allegations of cheating on a significant other I didn't have. They covered it all.

Especially when I was younger, being a rich teen heir was a hassle. Sure I got everything I wanted, but I was made to look so bad simply because I was doing teenage things. I've been accused of doing drugs, excessive partying, and assaulting an officer. Some of these things I didn't do, but the media made it look like I did.

Before I could reach 18, my father decided he had had enough of my scandals and shipped me off to boarding school. After that and college, I came back slightly reformed, but not completely.

In college, I learned a lot, especially about women. At least the physical parts of them. I tried my best to solely focus on my studies. But like I've said before, I can't be tamed.

Women were something that I just couldn't have one of. They were like french fries, imagine being offered a cup of fries. Would you only eat one? No, you'd eat as many as you can.

And that's where my adult scandals started. I became an infamous player, known for sleeping with several women. I had 'dated' actresses, models, even a couple of my fathers secretaries.

But for the first time I have to pause, and let this plan work. In order to do that, I couldn't sleep with any other woman, besides Stella but I doubt she would. It was going to be hard, but not impossible.

I hope.

My phone rings as I'm sitting at my desk reviewing files. "Ashford." I respond as I pick up the ringing phone.

"Julius, my man! Eric has a lounge booked at Vixens for tonight. There'll be a lot of hot women for sure."

I chuckle at my excited friend, "You know I just got engaged Johnny."

Stella & The PlayboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora