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Wally pov: 

Dick and I walked into our English class with Ms. Wilson I noticed Zatanna sitting in the back of the class by herself. I felt a little bad because people were treating her differently since her summer evolution. Dick pulled me down in a seat next to him two rows in front of her, we were about five minutes into class when the blonde beauty busted through the door laughing with someone who was walking in the hall. 

"I'm guessing your Ms. Crock?" Ms. Wilson questioned. 

"Ding ding we have a winner," Artemis answered with slight sarcasm apparent in her voice, there were a few muffled laughed around the classroom. Ms. Wilson took the slip from Artemis's hands telling her to take a seat, She climbed the stairs sitting next to Zatanna, and the two immediately started a conversation. I realized that I was staring and turned my attention to the board as Ms. Wilson showed a slide show introducing herself. About a half-hour later Ms. Wilson whipped around. 

"Am I interrupting your conversation girls?" She asked Zatanna and Artemis.

"A little but don't worry about it," Artemis answered turning back to Zatanna as laughter erupted in the room. Ms. Wilson stood there dumbfounded as she slowly turned back to the board. She then announced that we would be breaking into groups and making slide shows about each of our summers. She started announcing the groups but I wasn't really paying attention till my friends started getting named. "The fourth group will be Megan, Raquel, Connor, Kaldur and finally the fifth group will be Wally, Zatanna, Dick, and Artemis please get together in your groups this project will be done out of class." Dick and I walked over to their table sitting down. 

"I'm Wally," I introduced myself.

"Artemis," She said in a mischievous tone.

"And I'm Dick" He stated.

"Hi" She greeted us.

"Now that we all know each other can you guys meet tonight?" Dick asked.

"Yeah sure," I answer immediately. 

"Ya works for me," Zatanna answered 

"Ya, I guess" Artemis answered. I was a little skeptical of Artemis she wasn't sweet like I thought she would be she was more feisty and I'm not sure if I like that. The rest of the day seemed to fly by. 

Artemis pov:

When Ms. Wilson called out our groups I honestly wasn't paying any attention, Zee was ranting about how her friends didn't suit her anymore and I was trying to give the best advice I could, but honestly, I didn't know what to do. Two guys come over to sit with us and I pieced together that this was our group I could feel the sexual tension between Zee and Dick I wish that they would just get together already. Wally was really hot and sweet but I want to leave myself open to hang out with whoever. I'm actually excited to meet all of Zee's friends I've heard so much about them but I'm not going to let anyone know that. Finally, it was lunch I met Zee in front of my locker and we headed for the cafeteria. As we approached the group I started to get a little nervous. Wally turned around and saw us walking over "Hey Artemis, hey Zatanna," he greeted us. I was next to Wally and Zee and Zee was next to a girl with red hair. 

"Artemis you know Wally and Dick and this is Kaldur, Connor, Raquel, and Megan." Zee introduced them I said hi and they all greeted me. The group went on to talk about their summers and Zee was right they are a little dry, Zee and I gave each other the look and continued to act interested. Lunch ended and they awkwardly said their goodbyes before heading off towards their next classes. Class finally ended and I speeded home knowing my dad wouldn't be there. I ran into the apartment to be greeted by two giant men in black and my dad being projected on the tv. My dad told me that I needed to go and make a trade for Kobra-venom I obviously refused and felt the nose of a gun against the back of my head. I slowly nodded and changed into my uniform, a tight black catsuit with black tall combat boots and I wore my hair up in a high ponytail with a black mask that showed my eyes and mouth. My dad created my uniform and I hated it I had small knives hidden in my uniform and my bow and quiver on my back. The three of us jumped out of the window and headed towards the destination of the trade. 

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