safe now - jacob bertrand

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TW! mentions abusive relationshipImagine requested by beastmode_annmarie -

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

mentions abusive relationship
Imagine requested by beastmode_annmarie

"Y/n!" my best friend, Peyton called. She stopped me right in my tracks as I was walking to my apartment door.

"Did you forgot I was spending the night?" Peyton asked teasingly.

Shit shit shit!

"Um-well-I-um" I stuttered, not being able to manage the right words to come spill out.

"I was everything alright?"
Peyton asked concerned. She knew I had never acted like this at all.

All I could do was nod my head and try to force the best smile I could. I didn't feel safe; ever. I felt like I always had to be alert because he would be there.

My boyfriend, Caden wasn't the ideal boyfriend. He would punish me if I did something he didn't like, or if I didn't clean, or If I didn't even cook.

Everything seemed fine the first few months of our relationship thought. But he threatened if I ever tried to leave, he'd hunt me down and I'd 'forever be his."

Peyton flopped down on my couch. "Xolo and Jacob are having a party tomorrow." She mentioned as I sat next to her, making sure to hold onto the sleeves of my hoodie so she wouldn't see the scratches and bruises.

I hummed, "oh really?"

Peyton nodded, "you should bring Caden!" She popped bubbly.

"Speaking of are you two?" Peyton tilted her head.

" were um...good!"

"Y/n, girl you can always tell me anything." Peyton smiled, gently grabbing my arm.

I tried my best to not wince, but I couldn't help myself.

Peyton started to gently lift up my sleeve.

I bursted out crying, it hurt so much. I was just so tired of being abused by Caden not only physically but also mentally.

After Peyton and I had a heart to heart conversation about everything and finally wiped my tears and decided that she would force me to go the the party the next day.


Peyton and I walked into Xolo and Jacob's place. I noticed that Xolo and Hannah were basically making heart eyes at each other, Caden was flirting with some random girl at the party, and Jacob had been sitting on the couch by himself.

I wanted to talk to Jacob. It had been a few months since we got to talk. Mainly because Caden wouldn't ever let me talk to any other boy, let alone even look at one.

That was probably the worst part. Not only because Jacob was one of my best friends, but I realized I had taken a liking in him.

"Everyone let's play truth or dare!" Xolo exclaims in a loud voice so everyone can hear him.

"I'll start! Jacob truth or dare," Xolo smirks


"Is it true you have taken a liking to someone in this room?" Xolo asks, obviously trying to set up his boy.

All Jacob could do was nod his head.

I felt my heart ache. I knew it was hopeless and I should just move on but I still wanted to be his. Not Caden's.

Peyton's eyes lit up, knowing it was her time to shine.

oh no

"Caden! Truth or truth ?" Peyton hollered to him.

"Peyton that's not how it-"

Peyton interrupted him, "Is it true you abuse y/n not only physically but also mentally, tell her false information, lie to her, and in general been a completely manipulative?" Peyton spat like a ball of fire.

Fuck fuck fuck

Everyone in the room's jaw dropped to the floor. I could see the complete rage of fire in Jacob's beautiful blue orbs eyes and.

Caden clenched his fist and gave me the dirtiest glare in the world, "what did I tell you about telling anyone, y/n?"

I completely froze and had a loss of words. "Um-I-um" I couldn't even speak correctly, I was so scared. Before anything else could happen Jacob took a giant lunge towards Caden, completely knocking him to the ground.

Hannah and Peyton quickly got me out of the room as soon as possible.

After explaining everything to Hannah and a long cry, I felt somewhat better. I still felt very paranoid and alert though.

"What if he finds me..." I spoke, fear filling my eyes.

"That won't happen with me around," Jacob spoke; entering the room and leaning on the door frame.

Hannah and Peyton both left the room to leave me and Jacob alone.

I retold the abusive story to Jacob, crying multiple times throughout it. But Jacob never interrupted. He sat there and listened the whole entire time, and held me when I started bawling. It felt good to have Jacob back. And after the whole story, a soothing voice spoke.

"Y/n, I'll keep you safe and never leave your side. I'm so sorry about that dumbass. He doesn't know how to treat a perfect girl like you right."

And for once, I felt safe and loved after what felt like eternity.


I hope you liked this one :))

I hope you liked this one :))

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
jacob bertrand imagines حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن