best friend- jacob bertrand

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Jacob Bertrand

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Jacob Bertrand.
The boy who would never leave my mind no matter how hard I tried to get him out. It's like he's always there with me.

I thought I was a creep for thinking of him so much. Until someone opened my eyes. They accused me of having 'undying love and interest for him.'
I thought they were completely bogus. I mean how could I even bring myself to admit I like him? It's not like he'd even like home back.

Hannah, Peyton, and I had all decided to have a girls day. More like Hannah and I had to drag Peyton out of the house because we all needed to get away from the boys.

Hannah and Xolo had obviously had something going on. Peyton and I would constantly pick on Hannah for it. Saying things like, "ugh xolo I love you so much" or "you're so silly".

It was all fun in games until the three of us were walking down the street and Peyton decided to mention him.

"So, y/n how are things with you and Jacob?" Peyton smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Nothing!" I whine.

Hannah hums, knowing I'm definitely lying.
"C'mon! It's no secret you guys love each other! I mean have you seen how you look at each other?"

Peyton nods her head in agreement with Hannah.

I roll my eyes, "oh c'mon guys! Even if I did I mean I can't date my best friend. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if we break-"

"What's that?" Jacob eavesdropped, putting his arm around my shoulder.

I glance at Hannah then Peyton, internally panicking. I froze for a few seconds, wondering how much he really heard.

Jacob smiles, "do you mind if I steal y/n for the rest of the night?" He asked Hannah and Peyton.

"Please take her!" Peyton joked.

I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what the night was going to be filled with. Finally cooling myself I nod at Jacob.

Jacob grabs my hand and starts to walk down the street, pulling me to follow after him. I couldn't believe that I was holding his hand. However, I knew that this didn't change anything.

Jacob took me took me too a cute cafe he found. We had both just received our food until I heard a ding on both me and Jacob's phones.

Karate hotties 😏😩

Hannah 😽
Y/n have you finally done it?

Hannah if you don't stfu

Jacob 🥰
And what might that be?

Jacob want me to expose you?

Jacob 🥰

Peyton 🕺💗
Let's expose them at the same time 😏


Hannah 😽
Okay on the count of 3

Peyton 🕺💗




Hannah 😽

Jacob is in love with Y/n

Hannah 😽
Y/n is in love with Jacob

Are they even on their phones?

Jacob took his gf on a little date night 😏

so that's why he stole y/n from us huh?

Jacob 🥰
Really Xolo?
You just had to


I look up from my phone, trying my best to hide the stupid smile on my face.
"Is it true?"

Jacob hummed, setting his phone down.

"What Xolo said...I mean is he right?"

Jacob decided to follow me up with a question as well. "Well is what Hannah said true?"

I take a deep breath, "I asked you first!"

Jacob had a devilish smirk on his face. It was the kind he always had when something was going his way or they way he wanted it to go.

"What would you do if u told you it was true?"

"I'd tell you that I've always been in love with you." I blurt.

Damn it

Jacob smiles, "well in that case," he paused, almost like he was hesitant.

"Jacob? Hesitating?" I tease with a smirk.

"Oh shut it y/n!"

Jacob takes a deep breath and grabs my hand under the table. "Y/n...I love you."

I gently squeeze his hand, "Jacob..."

Jacob let's go of my hand, "it's fine if you don't feel-"

I shut him up by placing my lips on his.

I hope you guys liked the first chapter! :))

I hope you guys liked the first chapter! :))

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jacob bertrand imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt