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Harry POV

"Harry, ron come to the common room. We need to talk" Hermione whispered scaring the living daylights out of iron.

"Ron, did you just...pee your pants?" I asked horrified

"AH, mate you scared me. You first go down, I'll be coming along just fine" He replied

"Oh ok, COMMING" I yelled making sure Hermione can hear me downstairs. What I got was a bunch of shhhhh from my roomates.


After ron finally got downstairs with fresh pants that were not stained by pee, we finally got to talk about today.

"I don't know... I don't like Percy Jackson. He didn't even learn potions clearly from the lack of information he knows about the materials to make the potion. And he is a bit too talented...I don't know." Hermione started

Ron and I shared a glance and smiled, looks like Hermione is finally getting out of the trance of Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson, Hermione on our side now, you are doomed.

"I knew that you were smart enough to come around and see the truth, unlike lavender who is totally under his charm" Ron giggled

"Says the one who once dated lavender."Hermione retorted laughing.

"Anyway, we should go sleep. I don't want to be late or else we might be caught by flinch. I don't wanna be in detention for another week." I said shivering at the thought of receiving hour-long lectures of self-discipline by the professors. 🥶

"Yeah... good night" Hermione said and went up the girl's dorm.


"Yes, Ron?" I replied

"Good night," Ron said sheepishly smiling at Hermione

"Man, come on. Good night" I pulled on my covers and instantly I was met with the awesome seamless sleep. 



Percy Pov:

I was sleeping in the awesome dorm of mine, until the stupid stupid stupid stupid alarm clock just HAD to go off, right when I was dreaming about me and Annabeth eating blue cookies. Hmmm, I wonder if hogfarts has blue cookies. I mean, how cool would that be. Thinking of Annabeth I suddenly bolted right up, changed and washed in 3 minutes and rushed downstairs. Oh God (pun intended), Annabeth and Thalia, Jason, Nico, Hazel, piper, Leo, calypso's coming in 10 minutes.

As I was daydreaming/walking down the stairs I bumped into Harry and his two friends who follow him around all day. They all glare and me, but I didn't want their stupid attitude to ruin my dad, becausssse mehhhhh wiseeee gurllllllyyyyy's COMMMMMMINNNNN> AAAAAAAAAAAA

Also, turns out Hogwarts only has normal cookies, such a boomer.

Whilst I was ranting about Hogwarts providing salmon as breakfast (I got so mad because fishes are innocent) the big doors opened and my friends walked in so gracefully. OHHH!!! And Annabeth, she looked just like, wait no, even more, pretty than aphrodite. I swear I think I heard aphrodite glaring at me through her imaginary brain.  I quickly prayed to aphrodite that I didn't mean to offend her, trust me I do not need any more drama with my love life. 

Annebeth POV

I missed Percy Jackson, seeweed brain, my BOYFRIEND. I'm wearing a robe thing right now, it looks exactly like what percy was wearing through the Iris Message. We were supposed to go into the mess hall 2 hours ago, but blackjack wouldn't go to the stables if he didn't get donuts. So Thalia had to order donuts to Hogwarts and the delivery man got lost and now we have to wait. Oh gosh, I swear why can;t I see percy?

"I swear Aphrodite, you mess up my love life I make your hell" I whispered

"What" it was jason

"nothing" I replied


"Children, lets go in. You all are late" Chiron galloped towards us.

Perhaps Aphrodite hears my prayer after all.

Hermione POV

"Hey" I patted harry and Ron

"I head that the Percy Jackson person, some of his friends are coming," I said

"WhhhhAAAT" ron looked at me with grilled cheese going down his mouth

"Gosh, Ron can you not?" I was annoyed

"Oops sorry Mione" He laughed

"Wait, I think there here" Harry said

The big doors of the mess hall opened and I must say they were all so good looking just like Percy Jackson.

Ron POV:

I swear, how does so much pretty and cool people are friends with Jackson? His charms are so bad evil. Maybe the next dark lord. I snor†ed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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