Gosh darn it.

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Ron POV:

I looked at my blue-ish grey potion in disgust, not only I won't be able to get three days of no homework I might be publicly embarrassed by snape. I glanced over at Harry his was a BOLD red. Well, we both are doomed for sure anyway-

"Weasly, what have you done. Do you reckon that you are unable to read the instructions and follow them? I really believe you can read English, can you?" Snape stared at me, like in my soul. It was so terrifying that I can't even talk, the only thing I did in return was whimper a "No sir"

"Oh well, your siblings weren't good either, maybe has to do with bloodline I dare say" Snape took a final glance at me and walked off. And the whole class was already in laughter by then, I felt my ears become red and my face too. Bloody hell, now I am a class clown, and I ALMOST FORGOT I AM IN THE SAME CLASSROOM WITH

Percy Jackson

Awesome ron, you fucked up again. Cheers

Percy POV:

After Snape embarrassed Ron I actually felt a little bad, it made me remember when I was in school 11 years old. I was the class clown at that time... But things are different, they almost killed my grandpa 7 times, and wouldn't even hear his point of perspective. My feelings changed, They deserve to be embarrassed.

Catching the glance with Ron, I gave him a smirk full of venom, it should do for now. Oh! And I should IM my mommy too, I wanna see the BABYYYYYY. Oh yeah, my mom's pregnant, and it's due around these days. I am going to be a brother, it's such a great-

"THE WINNER IS PERCY JACKSON, good job Jackson you may have three days of no homework. 50 points." Snape announced looking in my direction

"Ah ah yes, thank you professor" I might have looked very distracted because I heard harry and his friends giggling. I really am annoyed, it's not kindergarten but the 17 years olds are acting like a BABY AND giggling when someone. Oh gosh sorry ADHD.

The rest of the day passed pretty quickly, it was dinner time. The Ravenclaws wanted me to sit with them, someone called Luna Lovegood. 

"Hello Percy," Luna said, she looks very dreamy-like shes always in a dream. 

"Uh hi," I answered, it was very embarrassing ok?

"You know, I am a daughter of Hecate," II told the hat to bring me to Ravenclaw because the stoll always called me stupid. 

"What" Oh gosh, I am such a seaweed brain

"Your Percy Jackson and all those names. I heard your other friend is coming tomorrow," Luna said staring at a bird on the ceiling.


"Yes," Luna said

Luna was surprisingly a demigod and she went to camp half-blood, no wonder she looked so familiar in a way. I learnt that she was friends with Harry and that wizards sometimes are ignorant and wouldn't try to understand. But luna prefered to just finish her studies instead of anything else. Luna was surprisingly very good company, despite the dreaming state she is in every day.

After lunch, I went up into my dorm, closed the curtains and fell asleep.

Grandson of the Dark Lord aka voldymortsWhere stories live. Discover now