Hogwarts Express

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 I was having an awesome dream about Nemo and my little mermaid until gramps appeared right beside my bed with a large crack.

"Why aren't you still not out of bed? YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" gramps yelled at me 

"Okok, one more minute kay? Then I will be out of bed, I promise" I whined also giving him my seal eyes. And gramps gave in, YES!

"Alright, bring your luggage and meet me in the dining hall in 15 minutes or else think of your own way to go to school. Train leaves in 45 minutes." Grampa reminded me

"Alright got it" I replied as I stood up from the bed and prepared for the long day

After I got ready I walked down the stairs, exactly in 15 minutes and gramps took my arm and we appeared with a crack in the middle of a mortal train station.

"Percy, I have to go back now, I cannot afford to be seen. I trust you will find your way to Platform 9¾ " gramps said and disappeared with a crack. 

Well that's easy, I found the 9th platform and the 8th platform but not the 8th....but a family of redheads caught my eye, just before I was going to go there and ask since they all looked like wizards (owl and such) I spotted harry potter and the ginger-haired girl, friends of the enemy. So the family of redheads must also be on the potters' side. So I hid behind a trash can and saw how they went into the station. Apparently, you have to walk through a wall, see compared to everything I went through walking through a wall was also on my to-do list. After I see all of them go inside the wall I followed. As soon as I go through the wall I saw a spectacular view, there was a humongous train and all the people there had different sick pets with large old fashioned luggage, looks like I'm going to be a sore thumb, but magically my modern suitcase morphs into the same as the others. I silently thanked good old gramps...

But because I was standing still in the middle of the station I did not see that the train was about to move, so I used my fantastic demigod only skill and I ran on the train at a speed of 0.9 seconds, good improvement huh. And I remembered to send a silent prayer to Zeus (Don't blast me out of the sky), good old dad (Poseidon) for granting me such awesome powers, and Hecate(since apparently, she created this world). I walked in the train and now my goal in mind was to find an empty compartment to make do, almost all were filled and the only empty one was with harry so I skipped it, and I came to the end of the train which had tons of empty places surprisingly. 

"Hello, the rest of the compartments are full, can I join you?" Asked a boy around my age, like 17-18, he had white-blond hair and had a similar resemblance to lucy mouthfoy so maybe his son? But he didn't know about me, so I might as well keep quiet. 

"Ah, yes sure," I said putting on my grin. He seemed nice so far.

"I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," Said mouthfo -- Malfoy 

"Nice to meet you, I am Jackson, Percy Jackson," I say in response, I don't understand why you have to repeat your name twice but I guess its normal. Wizards are weird.

We shook hands and the air became soo awkward

"Ah, I haven't seen you around, are you new? But you do seem too old to be a first-year correct?" Maloy said first trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

"yes, I am attending 7th year, my first year too. I was educated somewhere else, and my parents decided to transfer me here because they wanted to" I say in response pretty proud of the lie I made out smoothly. 

"Good. You see potter over there? That's Harry Potter, such a snob and the 'chosen one'. Don't be friends with him, trust me" Malfoy says pointing to the compartment harry potter was in.

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