Three and Eight turned around.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Four asked.
"I mean, you two living together, that's like..."

Three just looked at her with confusion.
"Are you jealous or something?"

Four started blushing.
"What? No! I just... It doesn't feel like a good idea to me."

Three walked up to her.
"Hey, it'll be fine. You can still come hangout any time you'd like, if that's what you're worried about. We're still besties." He said with a smile.

Eight smiled at Four.
"I would not have an issue with you being around, Four. You are our friend, are you not?"

"Y-Yeah..." Four said.

Three flicked Four's forehead, making her look up at him.

"Don't count yourself out." He said with a smile.

Four smiled back and hugged him, and then they all went back downstairs.

"So, what was your little meeting about?" Marie asked, leaning over the counter with a smirk.

"Eight is gonna move in with me." Three said nonchalantly.

Five started choking on her drink, almost spitting it out.

"Come again?" Five asked with a slight strain in her voice.

"Relax, Eight wants a place of her own, she doesn't wanna keep mooching off of Pearl and Marina, and I could use the extra aid in rent. Plus, I mean, she already saved my life and the world once, so I trust her a lot."
Three explained.

"But.... Are you sure?" Marie said.
"Moving in with one another is a big step. I still wish I didn't move in with Callie."

"Hey!" Callie piped up.

"Anyways," Marie continued, "I just don't want you to do something you might regret."

"Aww, that's actually really sweet. I appreciate you looking out for me."
Three said.

"But don't worry, it'll be fine. This isn't like my first few missions as an agent where I just kept dying, this time I actually know what I'm doing."

"Alright... And don't you trying anything with her either." Marie said.

"Wh-" Three started.

"Don't lie. I've seen your search history." Marie said with a smirk.

"WHAT?! That's not-" Three babbled.

"(Sigh), Alright, whatever. I won't try anything with her. I wasn't going to in the first place, either." Three said.

"Alright." Marie said.

"Ok mom." Three said jokingly.

Callie laughed.
"Kinky." She put simply.

Marie smacked Callie on the back of the head, Three just facepalmed and Five burst out laughing.


Three was taking stuff out of a box for what was going to be Eight's room.

"Eight, you said you wanted the bed in this corner?" He asked.

"Mhm!" She verified.

Pearl and Marina were standing against the wall, watching Three and Eight lay out the room.

"I can't believe Eight is already moving out..." Marina said.
"I'm gonna miss her."

"She's not leaving your life Reena, she's just getting a place of her own to stay. She still thinks of you like a big sister." Pearl said.
"And anyways, I trust Three. He may be an idiot, but I saw the resolve in his eyes back after the metro. He's an honest guy."

"That's true." Marina agreed.

Pearl stretched, and then got up off the wall.
"I'm gonna go grab some food for all of us. Pizza alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Pizza is great." Marina said.

"Aight." Pearl responded.

Marina looked back to see Three moving Eight's dresser into the proper place.

"So, Eight. You excited?" Marina asked.

"Yes, very much!" Eight responded.
"My new room is almost done!"

"Yep!" Three said. "All that's left is putting sheets on the bed, putting your clothes in the dresser, and putting up the window shades, then we should be done."

"Alright, I can help Eight pick sheets if you can put up the window shades, Three." Marina said.

"Will do!" Three said, jogging out of the room.

Marina giggled.
She then turned to Eight.
"So, Eight. I have to ask you something."

"Hm?" Eight turned her head.
"What would you like to ask me?"

"Do you... Do you truly trust Three enough to live with him?" Marina asked.
"I know you two are close, but I am just worried that he might try and do something, or might hurt you somehow, or-"

"Marina." Eight cut her off.

"Huh?" Marina looked up.

"Have you ever seen me cry?" Eight asked. "What I mean is, have you ever seen me actually cry? Not just tear up."

"No... What does that have to do with anything?" Marina questioned, confused.

"That's because since I lost my memory, I've only done it once. I haven't told anyone about this, so please don't spread this information."
Eight said.

"While we were on the train ride out of the metro and to Inkopolis, Three sat with me in the back car." Eight said.

"Yeah, I remember." Marina said.

"He started talking to me at one point, in Octarian." Eight explained.
"It was the first time someone has since I lost my memory, but I could understand every word somehow. He told me that he felt terrible about trying to hurt me, and told me that he would never forget what I did for him. His words and voice were very soft, and quiet. I could tell he was being sincere. He told me that if I ever needed anything at all I could go to him. And that he would always be willing to help me however he could."

"I don't know if it's just how emotional I was after saving the world, but he just looked at me, and said thank you. All he said was Thank you, and he smiled at me. I started crying." Eight said.

"He immediately panicked and tried to apologize. I told him it was ok, I wasn't crying because I was sad."

Marina just stared at her.
"Eight... I had no idea."

Eight simply nodded.
"I trust Three more than anyone else. I think he would make a fine roommate."

"Aww, that's so sweet." Three said.

Both Marina and Eight turned to see Three standing in the doorway, smiling.

"T-Three! I um... Uh...." Eight turned away, blushing.

A few seconds later she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned and Three was standing in front of her.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I said those things for a reason, you know." Three said smiling.

Eight's eyes were starting to water a tiny bit. She slightly trembled.

"I trust you as well." Three said.

She hid her face in his chest.
He wrapped his arms around her in return.

Marina just watched this wholesome moment, in pure awe. It almost, for some reason, reminded her of Pearl and herself.

Three slightly smiled, and ruffled Eight's tentacles.

"Thank you."

Tryna end it wholesome, let's goooo
Thanks for reading, and I should start writing more, sorry for such a long freaking wait.

And seriously, thank you to the people who actually read this story. It's kinda cool that somebody out there wants to read my shitty fanfic, even though I update slow and write like a spastic lol.

Anyways, thanks, I'll see you guys later.

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