Chapter 7

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I have been gone a long time
I apologize
Letsa go

Three sat in the back of the limo. He tapped his fingers against his legs and looked around.
He sat their for a minute longer before asking,
"Can we turn on some music?"

"Yes sir." The driver replied.
"What would you like?"

"Hmmmmm... How about (insert song) by (insert band)?" He responded.

"Yes sir." The driver replied and turned on the music.

He started to jam in his seat, lightly bopping to the music.
He heard a laugh and turned to see Callie giggling at him.

"Hey, this song is a bop and you know it." He said.

"Ok, ok, you're right." She said with a laugh.

They finished the car ride and arrived at the dinner.

"Alright Three, just act normal." Callie said.

"Normal for me, or normal for most people?" He asked.

"Normal for the boyfriend of a superstar." She replied.

"So, neither." He concluded as they walked into the building.

Callie was immediately greeted by some people from the movie.
Three just awkwardly stood there.

"I assume this is your date?" One of them asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm Thre- I mean, Luke." Three said.

"Nice to meet you!" They said as they shook his hand.

Callie and Three then took their seats.

"Is you name actually Luke?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said calmly.

"How come you never told me?" She questioned.

"You never asked." He said simply.

"Fair point." She concluded.

They sat for another moment as the waiter came up for drink orders.

Callie ordered strawberry lemonade, and Three ordered a Dr. Pepper.
(Or whatever type of drink you prefer)

"So does anybody else know your real name is Luke?" She asked.

"Eight does, but that's it." He responded.

"Why her?" She inquired.

"Well...." He said, remembering back in the metro.
He waved it off.
"Story for another time."

"Alright.... Anyways, what were you thinking about ordering?" She asked.

They then discussed food.

Im sorry I'm not describing this for some reason the only foods I can think of is steak, spaghetti and lasagna right now it's late and I'm tired and I'm in the mood for Skittles
And my brain is practically a piece of melted cheese
Anyways back to the story

After they ordered, speeches and presentations by the directions started and their food was brought to them partway through.

A little while in, Callie was called up to do a speech.
As she walked up, she turned around, and Three gave her a thumbs up.
She laughed a bit, and then started.

He watched her speak, it was mainly about the movie, filming, working with the director and other actors, stuff like that. At the end she was asked things like if she enjoyed working on the project, if she would be willing to work with the director again in the future, and things like that. She gave very positive feedback.

She left the podium and sat back down with Three.

Timeskip because I am a lazy piece of shit

Three was dropped off in front of his apartment. He was pretty tired, but he had a good time.

"Damn, I'm exhausted." He thought.
"I'm gonna sleep like a rock tonight."

He unlocked the front door of his apartment, and set down his stuff. He changed out of his suit and then took a shower. Afterwards, he put on some shorts and passed out as soon as he got his bed.

And he was right. He slept like a rock.

The next morning......

Sunlight hit his face, and he immediately turned over and groaned.

"Get up." He heard someone say.
He turned back over to see Five standing there.

"Five? What are you doing in my apartment?" He asked groggily.

"Cuttlefish assigned us on a mission together. He said I should wake you up. We should leave in about an hour and a half." She responded.

"Oh. Ok. Well, I guess I should get up and get some breakfast." He sat up and climbed out of bed.

He then turned and looked at Five. She looked at him. They stated at each other for a few seconds.
"Uh.... I have to get dressed." He said.

"Oh. Right." She said and then left the room.

"Well, at least I'm not getting punched." He thought.

He threw on a tank top and some shorts, and then grabbed his agent outfit. He would put it on when they got to octo valley.

He stepped out of his room and saw Five sitting at the table. He made some eggs, bacon and toast, and then sat down next to her. He was about to take a bite when he saw her eyeing his food. He stopped and watched her stare at it.

"Five?" He said. She didn't look up.
"Five." He said once more.
She snapped out of her trance and looked up.

"Five, did you eat?" He asked her.
"......" She didn't respond.

"Five....." He said again.
"(Sigh), No...." She responded.

He sighed and slid his plate over to her.
"Here, just take my plate. I'll make some more for myself." He got up to make more.

She stared at the plate for a minute, thinking deeply about something. She looked up at him, with a look of slight confusion mixed with gratitude.

"Thanks...." She muttered as she started to eat.

He smiled at this.

Thanks for reading, as well as being patient with the updates.
I'll see you guys later.
I'm out

921 words

Questionable Thinking (A Splatoon Harem Story) (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora