The Battle of Killahead

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The Battle of Killahead

Dwoza was in an uproar. Callista had fled, amulet chasing after her, continuing to call her. Vendal and Merlin were shouting at each other. The teens pushed their way through the throngs of arguing trolls.

"Cal!" Jim shouted.

"Atlas, wait!" Mary pulled him back, "Slow down. There's no way we'll catch her. She had way too much of a head start."

"Um, yeah, hold up," Seamus raised his hand, "I thought Daya was the first Trollhunter?"

"Looks like we finally found something us being here actually changed."


"I think I know where Callista went," Eli spoke up, "But we would need to split up again to get everything done."

The others stared at him.

"I know we just got back together but we have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. Someone needs to take care of Callista and someone needs to take care of Arthur. The Battle of Killahead is still coming and we need them both if we want to win."

Seamus nodded, "And someone should make sure Dwoza actually participates. We need them to win, too. Time is still in flux. We REALLY don't need anything else going wrong."

Jim took a deep breath and nodded, "Ok. To do list. Plan. Plan plan plan... Eli. You said you might know where Cal is. You and Claire will go talk to her. Duxie, you know King Arthur better than any of us. Take Mary and Toby and try to talk to him. If anyone can talk some sense and moral into someone, it's you two. Steve, you made a connection with Lancelot and Galahad, talk to them and make sure the knights are ready for battle. Seamus, you and I will stay here and try to rally the trolls. We'll meet up at Killahead just before Sundown. If anything goes wrong, come right. back. Here."

Everyone nodded their agreement and split up once more. Claire opened a portal and her and Eli leapt through; Duxie lead Toby and Mary through the broken gates of the city; Steve jogged over to where the senior knights were talking; Jim and Seamus watched their friends go before turning back to Dowza and setting off in search of Vendal and Blinky.


Claire looked around as her and Eli stepped through the portal. They were in a crumbling troll village. The bodies of felled citizens sent a shiver down her spine.

"Are you sure Callista would come here?" She asked.

"Yes. This was her home. If you want to hide from something that feels too big for you, you hide where you're most comfortable. That's usually where 'home' is."

He led her through the village, his brown cloak fluttering slightly behind him. He didn't call for Callista. He just looked. Finally, they found her at the entrance to the village's grotto, huddled by the dart trap, still trying to throw the amulet away. It kept coming back.

"Rise, Trollhunter and speak the incantation."

"Cal?" The young fairy approached her, "Are you alright?"

"Your haunted clock's broken, kid," She tried to throw it once more and scooped up the stone doll lying beside her, "There's no way it was meant to choose me. I wasn't raised here. I'm barely even a troll. Let alone the 'Trollhunter'. Whatever that means."

Eli nodded and sat beside her, "I get it. Trust me. I was taken away, too. She took me and wouldn't give me back no matter what Mama and Papa tried. For a long time, I was really confused about who I was. And I couldn't ask anyone because I couldn't tell anyone that I knew. I didn't know why I was there. Maybe Mama didn't want me. Maybe that was why she gave me to her sister. And, in the end, she abandoned me when life in our town got to be too much for her. Dropped me like a hot potato and skipped town."

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