Preparing For The Party

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I was hanging out with Symmone, Piper, and Claire in Piper's room when we heard the doorbell chime. "Wanna get it?" Asked Piper used to having people at her house 24/7. I replied, "Sure." And headed to the door to let Jenna, Indi, and Emily. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hi!!" They all cheerfully said. Emily looked around the house. "Where is Elliana?" She asked. "She went home while we prepare for the party." I said. Jenna added, "Yes, It's probably good for her to take a break after her long day. Poor Ellie." She said meaningfully as usual. "Piper!!!! Symmone!!! Claire!!!! Time to decorate!!!" I yelled throughout my new home which had a satisfying echo. "Coming!" Piper screamed followed by Claire and Symmone.  *Your phone dings*

Elliana- My mom is dropping me off in an hour. At Hollywood Blvd. 

Y/n- Sounds good! See you soon!

"Who was it? Asked Symmone who was curious. "It's Elliana. She said she will be here in an hour. She's already on hollywood Blvd. We need to start decorating!" I ordered. Piper pulled out a clipboard. "Emily, you're on cake duty. Indi, decorating. Claire, decorating. Jenna, distracting Elliana once she comes. Symmone, you will do everyone's makeup and styling. And last but not least Y/n, our new squad member and squad house resident! What do you want to do?" Piper said. There were so many things to do. Hmmmmm. Finally, I said, "I will help bake goods and a cake with Emily." Piper nodded and I joined Emily who was getting out ingredients and dishes. "Glad to see you picked the best squad girl." She laughed. 

55 Minutes Later

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55 Minutes Later...

Symmone gasped then yelled, "Guys! Elliana is in the driveway. Jenna quick distract her!" Jenna nodded and greeted Elliana who still hasn't gotten out of her mom's Tesla. "Oh no! The streamers and balloons! The pool still needs to be cleaned!!!!!! What abou-" Piper was cut off by Emily. "We can do this!" And then she assured Piper with a pat on her back. And sure enough we had all gotten decorations up in no time. When we all spun into position, Elliana and Jenna were headed towards the door.

 When we all spun into position, Elliana and Jenna were headed towards the door

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