I can teach you if you want

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It's been a couple of days since that training session with Loki. Unfortunately, we haven't had another training session since that day and we haven't had a proper conversation since then. 

It was late, almost night-time. Some of the avengers had gone on a mission. Not Loki. I thought I was alone in the compound because Loki had gone out on a walk. The Maximoff twins were going to meet up with some friends or something.

I was sitting outside on the porch writing about what has happened since I came to the compound. I was writing about the times I used to go to the library and Loki used to walk in and we'd have a small chat and then I'd walk out on him leaving him confused.

It was starting to get colder as the sky turned black because the sun had already set. I shivering slightly too lazy to go get a blanket because I was sitting really comfortably.

I slowly getting more and more tired. I decided to close my eyes but still not sleeping. I heard the door of the porch slide open slowly hearing steps getting closer and closer to where I was. 

I felt so relaxed I didn't want to open my eyes to see who it was.

Suddenly I felt a blanket fall softly over me. I felt myself smile at the sudden wash of warmth run through my body.

My notebook and my pen were taken away from my hands and I heard the sound of the notebook close.  I open my eyes to see who it was. 

Right before I could make out who it was, I felt a freezing cold hand tucking some loose strands of hair behind my ear. This sudden change of temperature made me wake up rapidly.

I saw Loki standing next to me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I'm so-", he said apologetically.

"It's okay don't worry Loki", I said cutting him off before he could finish apologising for the second time.

"I'll go inside if you want. Do you want to eat something?" He said with a slight tone of sadness in his voice.

"No, Loki, can you stay? Please." I said not wanting to be alone.

I know I had said that no harm would come from a little flirting but right now I could see that he was being genuine so I was too. I could see that he was sorry and sad for waking me up. It made me a little sad seeing him like that. It's not like I have a crush on him, never in my life will I have a thing for him.

He sat down on the chair next to me moving my notebook which he had put down on where he was going to sit. 

He was putting it on the table next to his chair. As he was putting it down he looked at the cover curiousness rushing over his face.

"What do you write in this?" He said running his hands through his hair.

"Memories", I said looking up at the stars. "Right now, I was writing about was has happened since I came here. I wrote about every single day and I have been writing a small entry about each person."

"Can I read mine?" He asked with a smile of hope.

"No", I answered quickly looking at him smiling.

I had been looking at the stars for some time. I had always wanted to know how to read the stars and know the names of specific ones. Loki noticed me looking so he did aswell.

"Do you know how to read stars", he said looking at me with a smile. It's like he could read my mind.

"No, but i have always wanted to learn", I answered giving him a quick look and then looking back at the sky.

"I can teach you if you want", He said making me look at him with excitement.

"Really?" I said with enthusiasm and he gave me a quick nod.

He stood up and walked over to me laying down beside me on the couch.

For the rest of the time, while the others were on their mission, Loki and I were looking at the stars. He pointed to different stars and gave me quick explanantions about each one. I couldn't help but smile at the excitement in his voice.

Occasionally he would look at me and smile quickly, other times he would look at me in awe looking back up to the sky with a big smile.

There was one time that we both looked at each other. It felt like time stopped when I looked into those piercing blue eyes. Our smiles slowly fading as we switched from looking at each others eyes to each others lips. After what felt like eternity, we looked back up at the sky. Before he talked he cleared his throat awkwardly.

As he started talking both of our smiles returned.

I'm not falling for him | Reader x Loki |Where stories live. Discover now