Am I really that interesting?

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It's morning and the sun is lighting my room. I get up and get dressed. I go outside my room and see Clint passing by and I walk with him, assuming he's going to the kitchen. I was right. While we are eating we talk and more and more people come into the kitchen. 

"Y/N, you are going to train hand to hand combat with Bucky and Loki. Nat also told me you are good with knives so I want you to show them what you can do," Steve said. I looked over at Bucky with a smile. When I looked at Loki my smile dropped and saw him roll his eyes.

"It doesn't need to be now. You can look around the compound if you want," he continued with a smile and I smiled back nodding my head.

When I finished eating, I walked back to my room and brushed my teeth. I had no idea where to go because I didn't want to get lost and I kinda wanted to go read a book. I wanted to know more about the Gods that are living here. I go to the library and grabbed the same book from last night and sat on the nearest couch. 

I was reading about all the different relics that were guarded on Asgard when the God of Mischief walked in.

"Am I really that interesting?" He said with a grin.

"What makes you think I'm reading about you?" I answered with a mocking smile. He rolls his eyes but walks over to me. He is standing behind the couch I'm sitting on. He's bent over so he can read the book. His face was right next to mine and I could hear his breathing.

I skip the page, now reading about "The Bifrost". Suddenly, he points at a sentence and says, "That's not true."

I turn my head and look at him in confusion. He proceeds to turn his head as well. Our faces are inches apart and I notice his beautiful blue eyes. Yes, he is handsome but that doesn't outweigh his rudeness. I turn my head back to the book when notice he's looking at my lips.

"The Bifrost is the only way of transportation between the Nine Realms", I read out loud looking at him quickly and them at the book.

"I found a different path once", he said proudly standing back up. He ran his hand through his dark hair looking down at me.

"What did you use it for?", I asked.

"I got some frost giants into Asguard to steal the Casket", he responded with a proud smile. I look at him slightly scared that he tried to help creatures to destroy his home. He notices my expression and lets out a small chuckle.

 I shut the book and stood up. As I was putting the book back on the shelf he grabs my arm tightly causing me to look at him.

"You aren't scared of me, are you?" He said loosening his grip seeing that it hurt me a bit.

"Why would I? You almost killed your brother. Then a year later you tried to kill 6 of the avengers, one of them being my sister. During all the years I was at Hydra, I was trained to kill people. Then when I got back from my missions I used to be brainwashed. Do you think you can scare me?" I answered snatching my arm from him.

Loki's expression changed to a softer and sweeter one. Only a bit though. He still looked cold and rude.

"I'm gonna get ready for our training session if you don't mind", I said walking out running my hand through my hair.

I got to my room and changed into some sportier clothes.

I'm not falling for him | Reader x Loki |Where stories live. Discover now