What are you the God of?

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I talked to Bucky for some time, he told me what they did to him while he was at Hydra, I told him things I remember about my life before I was taken. He was really nice and we understood what the other went through. I started feeling tired, so I left.

I tried to remember which way my room was by looking around and going through places I had already seen. It was difficult but I managed to find my way.

I was still admiring the corridors and peeked around the corners to see other parts of the building, trying very hard not to get lost.

I saw a light coming from a corner and I decided to look. It was a library. There were many different books standing in rows around the room. I went inside and took a random book to take a look at it. I looked at the cover and read "Norse Mythology". I opened it on a random page and saw the title of the chapter. "Thor Odinson", underneath it was written "The God of Thunder". Before I could read any further I heard someone come in. I looked up and Loki was standing right beside me.

"I didn't know you could read," he said.  I looked back at the book and read ignoring his comment. He got annoyed at me and started to leave but before he did so I said, "I remember reading about your brother when I was little, my mom used to tell me things she had read about Thor and Odin, but I never read about you. What are you the God of?" 

"Page 64, the god of Mischief", he said walking back over to me. I turned to the page and read what it said out loud.

"Loki Laufeyson. The God of Mischief. Loki's real father is Laufey, the king of Jottenheim, also a frost giant. Many years ago Laufey and Odin were at war. After the defeat of Laufey, Odin took a baby frost giant home with him. This baby was Loki. The God of Mischief was raised as the son of Odin and Frigga and the brother of Thor, making him the prince of Asgard." I stopped reading turning to look at him.

"See, I know how to read", I said mockingly causing him to get annoyed which only made me happy. "So you're adopted?"

"Yes", he answered in an annoyed tone and snatched the book from my hands, closing it fast and putting it back where it was. 

"It's late, I should probably go to my room", I said, purposely shoulder bumping him as I pass him. I could feel he got annoyed at that so I continued walking out of the room like a badass not looking back to see his reaction. 

I walk back to my room with a smile on my face. When I'm inside I get ready to go to bed and hear a knock on the door. I open the door to see Loki standing there furious.

"Who do you think you are? You can't act like that in front of me. You will regret you did that", he said angrily.

"Oh, I think I can", I said shutting the door. Before I turned around I heard a bang at the door and some low mumbles coming from Loki.

5 minutes later, I heard another knock. "It's me, Nat. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course", I answered.

"You know you didn't have to tell them what happened to you", she said closing the door behind her as she stepped into the room. 

"I know but I had to tell them", I said yawning in the process.

"I just wanted to come in and check if you were okay. Did you have trouble finding your way back?"

"Yeah I stopped at the library"

"Oh, you will love that place", she said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight"

"Goodnight Nat", I said as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

I stay on my phone for a while and then fall asleep.

I'm not falling for him | Reader x Loki |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora