Do not call me darling

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I texted Bucky to pass by my room since I didn't know where the training room was. After some time I heard a knock on the door. I got my phone and left my room to see Bucky outside with a smile on his face.

"Why are you all smiley?" I asked as we started walking.

"I'm excited to see how good you are at hand to hand combat. And I'm excited to beat your ass", he answered leading the way to the training room.

"In your dreams Barnes. I am going to be the one beating your ass. I'm also great at fighting with knives so ill teach you some moves", I say as we enter the training room.

"Where's Loki?" I ask while I put my hair in a ponytail.

"He's usually late to training", he answers. 

"Why am I not surprised", I say as we both get ready to fight.

Bucky throws the first punch but I dodge it. We both throw each other some punches for some time hitting each other occasionally.

"How do you know each other? Why do you hate him so much?" He asks putting a hand over his stomach because I just hit him there.

"He just pisses me off. He thinks he's better than everyone else", I answer trying to catch my breath.

"He's a God, so he kinda is better than everybody else," he says hitting me hard.

"God or not, Loki is not better than me," I respond turning my head towards the door seeing Loki leaning on the door frame with a smirk on his face.

"Darling, I am better than you," he says coming closer to the both of us. I am visibly annoyed at the nickname.

"Do not call me darling", I tell him sternly. Steve comes into the room and asks if he can talk to Bucky. They both leave and Loki gets ready to fight with me.

"Let me show you how much better I am than you", He says throwing me a punch.

I dodge it quickly hitting him back. "Only dreaming"

He gets slightly annoyed but doesn't say anything.

We continue to throw punches at each other until I kick his legs knocking him off his feet. He groans as his head hits the floor. I'm about to walk away when he pulls my leg making me fall on top of him.

Our faces are inches apart and I look into his crystal blue eyes. He looks down at my lips and up at my eyes repeatedly. He put one of his hands on my waist and the other on my back pulling me closer to him.

Our lips are almost touching but right before they do I quickly stand up and get my stuff. As I'm about to leave I turn around to see him still laying on the floor but holding himself up by his elbows. He's looking at me in disbelief not comprehending what just happened.

Right before I leave the room wink at him with a smile on my lips. He lays back down looking at the ceiling then putting his hands on his face thinking about what happened.

I walk back to my room proud of what I had just done. When I get to my bedroom I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower.

While I'm in the shower I hear something coming from my room but I don't think much of it. It's probably Nat borrowing a shirt or something like that.

When I finish my shower I leave the bathroom and go over to my bed and see a note.

"Don't think I'm done with you. Loki", I read out loud.

I don't know why I didn't feel the hatred that I did before. It's not like I was in love with him or anything but after that moment in the training room, I didn't think he was that bad. Like Nat said, "Just give him time". 

Loki is obviously a flirt and if he doesn't have everyone bowing or kneeling in front of him he get frustrated. I decided I was gonna play the same game he's playing and have fun with him. I mean what harm can come from that.

I'm not falling for him | Reader x Loki |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon