What happened to him?

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As we were walking to my room, I'm looking around the building in amusement. There are windows everywhere and the warm summer rays of the sun are shining in through them. Out of nowhere, Nat asks, "I saw you were talking to Bucky Barnes before, what did you talk about?"

I turn to look at her and a smile is plastered on her face, she was probably thinking we were flirting with each other or that I had a thing for him.

"We actually hadn't talked much before you came, oh and by the way, why is he so quiet? What happened to him?" I asked.

"A couple of years ago we found out he was alive, he had been taken in my Hydra, he was brainwashed and trained to kill people. Hydra put a metal arm on him, which he hates and tries to cover it up, I don't know if you noticed." I nodded fully listening to the explanation.

We both stopped in front of a shut door and Nat opened it showing letting me in after her. The room was giant and all my bags were already in there. I sat down on the bed waiting for her to continue talking about Bucky, she sat down next to me and started taking.

"Steve, Sam and I thought it was a good idea to keep him in the compound after he remembered who Steve was and after he escaped from Hydra. Although, he did try to kill us 3 but that doesn't matter. Not everyone fully trusts him but they are starting to become more and more friends with him. Y'know, he's a pretty good guy, just give him time."

I looked at her feeling empathetic for Bucky and actually wanting to be friends with him because I was also taken by Hydra (A/N: There will be a part explaining your past). She was going to continue talking when Tony knocks on the door telling us to meet him in the kitchen whenever we are ready. She nodded and turned to me and continued to talk.

"It's like Loki, he tried to kill most of us, even his own brother, but now he's slowly turning good. And again just give it time and you'll find out he's nice." I looked at her raising my eyebrows not believing what she was saying. "Yeah no, I don't think so", I said with a chuckle in between and explained to her what happened this morning.

I got up and slowly started to walk towards the door and she went out as well. When we were in the corridor I let her go in front of me to lead the way to the kitchen. I was still admiring the spacious building. There was a faint light coming from the sun and as we were walking the light turned on automatically.

When we get to the kitchen the others were talking about what type of pizza they wanted. Nat and I said what we wanted and Sam ordered them.

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