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Step 8: Don't keep it PG ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) 


''Shh, keep it quiet!'' Taehyung considerately pressed his palm upon her mouth. Jimin was still knocking the door, now adding some curse words along with his utmost request for Taehyung to open the door. 

''Tae, you fucking twat! Open the damn door, I had the longest flight and trust me I don't give two flying shits if you are sleeping or inside the toilet taking the fattest dump, OPEN NOW!''

''What will happen if Jimin sees me? You're acting like we are doing something wrong! I am opening the door!'' She attempted to get up from his lap but he pulled her right back in. Taehyung used the excuse of hiding to occupy a corner of his house, with Luna crunched down on his lap and hand against Luna's mouth. ''Let me go!''

''He can't see you! I am not allowed to bring girls in the house. That's the only oath our mum made us take and trust me that snitch will go and tell my mother in a heartbeat.''

Luna rolled her eyes, yawning at his non-sensical excuse. ''How old are you please? At your big age, you're scared of your mum?'' She scoffed. ''What will she do? Take your pocket money baby boo munchkin?'' She sarcastically sings in an annoying voice.

''Oh shut your mouth. Let me text Jungkook and ask him to keep Jimin in his apartment for the night.''

''No need. I got a text from JK saying Jimin already crashed his house.'' Luna looks through her phone. Jungkook also said to enjoy the night with a winky face, but Luna didn't feel the need to inform Taehyung about that.

Taehyung sighs in relief. ''Why is there such rules anyway?''

''According to her, it's a way of taming us down. She doesn't trust us, especially after Jimin and I gave her a heart attack explaining the kink club plan.''

Luna tried to suppress her giggles. ''YOU PROPOSED THAT TO YOUR MUM?'' She ended up bursting into tears of laughter. ''Is that why you two go to the girls' house instead? Y'all are still hoeing around but just in a different setting.'' She argued.

''She said we can only bring a girl home when we are serious about them.'' He states. Luna couldn't help but blush at that. Her pure mind thought of how she was currently in the house and if that was Taehyung's way of hinting anything for their relationship. 

''I only bought Elle home.''

That caused her smile to strip away. Of course, I am not the first girl he bought here... What was I thinking? Luna's mind then pushed towards negativity and realise how she really came to Taehyung's house by default. Taehyung never planned to bring her to this house or to his parents.

Taehyung closed his eyes in guilt, realising what he just mentioned. Luna began to shift around, wanting to get up from the comfortable position. However, Taehyung grasps once again. ''Wait, don't go-''

Luna watched him in the eye. She was hurt once again. ''Taehyung. Please.'' She breathed. Her face was a few inches away from his. She felt too close yet so far. ''I know your feelings aren't reciprocal for me but that doesn't mean that I deserve to get hurt. I know it's not your fault and you are only mentioning her name, but that one name always keeps crashing my hope. Tae, you are aware of my feelings so, please if you cannot return it, I want you to respect it.''

Heart hammering against his chest, his hand yearned to touch her cheeks and feel her presence even more closer. He restrained himself from doing anything despite him desperately wanting to. She was right, he needed to respect it. Last time, he touched her, he ended up driving her away for eight days. He doesn't think he can tolerate staying away from her once again. Romantic feelings or not, Taehyung is used to her presence.

His Moon [𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲] 𝙆𝙏𝙃Where stories live. Discover now