Chapter Thirty - "Happy" Valentines

Start from the beginning

"Alright, what did you want to tell me?" He asks and my mouth goes dry. This was it, this was the day that I would lose him. I don't think I was prepared enough to tell him but I knew I just had to. "Oh! We weren't lost after all, here we are." He says and before I can open my mouth to speak we step into a clearing.

I gasp at the sight before me, it was like we had walked into some sort of a dream. There was a mini waterfall flowing at the far end of the clearing into a small pond that had clear, sparkling water that glittered every time the setting sun touched it. The grassy bank of the pond was the most vivid green and the outskirts of the whole clearing had flowers upon flowers growing there. All that could be heard was nature. The flowing of the waterfall, the rustling of the animals, the tweeting of the birds and the gentle sigh of the wind flowing through the trees around us.

My mouth was open on such awe and my mind had completely forgotten every single worry in this single moment. I felt a hand touch mine and I look over at Dean who was grinning at me. He let go of my hand and dropped his bag down on the floor, grabbing out a load of items. They were candles inside a fake water lily which he lit and put into the water which made it look even more beautiful. Next he rummaged in his bag some more and brought out a blanket and a bottle of black current juice, I squinted my eyes and tilted my head at this and he laughs in return.

"Trust me, I wanted to get some red wine, I really did. But you see, the thing is we haven't had much luck in our relationship when it came to alcohol so we are staying on the black current for a while until we can handle our drink." I laugh at him and nod my head in agreement before sitting down on the blanket that he had brought and let him pour me a glass.

"There you go, monsieur! The finest red we have." He says in a fake French accent and I lift the cup and wait for him to pour his own before holding out the cup and making him clink out glasses together before drinking out of them.

"Thank you." I whisper out, smiling at him. The smile was broad and went straight to my eyes, wrinkling the corners of them and showed my bright white teeth.

"Well, I knew you'd forget valentines day so I knew one of us had to remember." He says, lifting an eyebrow up and grinning when my face fell.

"It's valentines day!?" I say and he laughs and nods his head. "Why didn't you tell me! I would've gotten you something!" I complain and look at him in disappointment.

"Hey, it's no worries Bee. I get to spend valentines with a wonderful, honest and beautiful person whom I am so in love with it hurts." My own heart hurt when he said this. Honest he had said and wonderful. I was none of these things, especially after today. "I get to also spend it with my best friend in the entire world whom I can also have vigorous sex with and maybe spank a little bit."

He smiles wickedly as I blush and splutter at him comment but he cuts me off from what I was about to say with a sweet and tender kiss on my shaking lips. He runs a hand through my hair which eventually lands gently on my cheek and runs his thumb in circles of my skin.

"I love you, Cas."

"I love you too, but-" he cuts me off again with a more powerful and passionate kiss, pushing me backwards onto the blanket and drapes a leg over me as he towers above me and places soft, gentle kissing along me jaw and on my mouth. I moan into the kiss and sigh as he runs his hands up my shirts and strokes my skin that covers my stomach. I lift my body up and my arms to let him slide of my shirt and after he does so he pulls of his own shirt in one sweeping movement and kisses me again.

His kisses and sucks on my stomach living faint red marks and as he does so he unbuttons my jeans and slides down the zipper before gently pulling them off. Next, he starts kissing up my legs and sucking on my thighs, grabbing hold of them possessively as he gets closer to my crotch. He licks through the fabric, making me warm and wet as pre-come dribbles out of my already semi-hard erectìon and sends electric shivers up and down my body.

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