Chapter 7: Invasion

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The shining bullets whizzed through the air and pierced through another horde of the robots. Colt barely sighed in relief when he noted that his Super didn't damage any buildings.

'Don't let your guard down, sheriff!' Shelly shouted as she blasted another deafening shot at a group of mouse bots. 'God knows how many of these robots are there!'

'As if I wish to be killed by these monstrous things!' Colt shouted as he fired a few more shots at a group of sniper bots that were attacking from the shelter of the alleys. 'Is it just me, or did someone give them actual brains for once?!'

'That one pesky robot's doings, I suppose.' Bull grunted as he charged towards a swarm of mouse bots and took them out with a few blasts from his shotgun. 'The rogue one. What's his name again?'

'You mean Tick?'

'Yeah, that one,' Bull snarled and kicked at a puncher bot. 'Think he managed to boost the AI of some of these robots. Either that, or he found a way to clone multiple robots in a short span of time.'

'I doubt that that's the case though...... Don't think that a robot like- HEY!'

Colt cursed under his breath as he unleashed another Super at the sniper bots that were just out of reach from his usual attack. The bullets shredded through both the sniper bots and the buildings that were just nearby.

Shelly saw the damage that Colt's attack had done to the buildings and groaned.

'Okay, fine. Maybe I did kinda let my guard down.' Colt grumbled as he looked at the blood flowing from the wounds that the sniper bots had created. 'I think that cursed robot gave all of his little tin friends a few upgrades here and there.'

'"I think". As if that isn't obvious enough already.' Shelly rolled her eyes as she dove away from the attacks of two incoming puncher bots.

Rosa ran towards the group. 'Help's needed at the east.' She murmured between gasps as she tried to punch down the surrounding robots. 'Throwers aren't doing well at holding them back. The Samura twins were defeated as well. These robots are just-'

A deafening explosion sounded in the distance, and Rosa groaned.

'Guess that means Mike's out of the game as well-'

'Sorry for being late!' Penny shouted at the top of her lungs as she fired her bags of coins at the robots, taking down a large group of them thanks to her splash attack. 'Jess and I got ambushed at Robo Restop! Wouldn't have known much about the current happenings here if Bibi didn't run all the way to shout at us!'

'Current condition?'

'Accidentally broke a few buildings, nothing much.'

Bibi resisted the urge to whack Colt on the head.

'Where do you think Tick is hiding?'

'Would we be brawling with these tin cans if we knew where that stupid robot was?' Shelly snapped as she slapped a mouse bot away and used her Super in another puncher bot's face.

'The sniper bot,' Jessie murmured under her breath, and Penny nodded in agreement.

'The what now?'

'There was a sniper bot that attacked us when we were at Robo Restop. It ran off almost instantly. Jess and I were chasing after it when two more mouse bots got in our way.'

Bibi facepalmed. 'Of course,' She grumbled. 'How stupid of me to not think of that. That tin can was literally Tick's spy! To think that I stopped you two from continuing your pursuit-'

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