Author Notes

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First of all, my father cut off the Internet connection to my tablet and my computer when I was writing this part and even now as I'm writing on my mother's phone I am utterly ticked off.

Secondly, some parts of this story turned out much more illogical compared to ACABS due to how much stress I was under and I'm seriously upset about this-

Thirdly, I want to say that I'm a complete dummy for taking too long to finish this book. Procrastination somehow became second nature for me and I caused too many problems for myself to solve. Not to mention the fact that I became obsessed with things that hindered my story writing abilities too-

I'm planning to work harder on all of my hobbies (writing, drawing, animating and animation meme wiki article editing) as well as my schoolwork to make up for my inactivity on literally everything. Am I going to burn out again after a few more months? Probably. But at least it'll be for good cause.

Though I'm scared that I'll stray away from my new goals and end up turning into something worse-

Next plans? They're all very loose for now. Finishing my older stories, along with the unfinished requests on Crabstick, top my current to-do list. I'll try to get them done as fast as possible without getting tripped over by my animation ideas-

But yeah. That's all that I really have to say. Thanks for deciding to read this story until the end, even though the updates take me forever to publish-

And the sequel to The Big BS Series? It's been on the back burner for extremely long and the draft hasn't been updated for nearly months now. Once again I wonder why I'm such a pecking disappointment to this world.

So uh, I guess I just want to say thanks for reading, and I'm sorry for being such a failure in writing......

Have a good day/night!

The history of this book: 5th of January - 18th of July, 2021.

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