Chapter 3: An Unwanted Visit

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It was just merely a split second after Bibi found herself back in the Showdown Lobby when she sensed that something was terribly wrong.

The Brawlers who'd participated in the same Showdown match as her were all gone from the Lobby, with Colt and Tara being the main exception. Colt's face was a pure mask of fear. Tara was looking at her three cards, the Magic Eye seeming to shimmer with dread.

'What's going on?' Bibi asked. The entire atmosphere of the Lobby reeked of doom.

'Tara- Tara here just- she just told me-'

'A war caused by the robots that strayed oh-so far away from Brawl Town,' Tara whispered in her deathly voice. 'Lead by an unknown being who would soon meet their downfall in the very same battle due to betrayal, the monstrous scraps of metal would try to annihilate the entirety of Brawl Town. The worst thing about it-' Tara's gaze was now directly focused at Bibi. '-is that the robots' sole objective of this battle would be to kill both you and Colt.'

Bibi felt the blood chilling in her veins as Tara finished her sentence.


What in the name of the gods?!-

'Could you figure out who's the leader of these robots?'

Bibi already knew the true answer despite asking the question.

Tara shook her head. 'The future only comes in small pieces to my eyes,' She murmured. 'While some points are more vibrant than the rest, the smaller - and sometimes more vital - details would always be like a dark cloud in the night sky......'

A deafening explosion rang out right outside the Lobby, causing Bibi to jump.

Jessie was seen crashing through the entrance of the building. Her clothes were covered in ash while blood trickled down from a fresh wound on her forehead.


'Run!' Jessie screamed as she stabled herself and tried to ready the Shock Rifle for another attack. 'For Mother Innovation's sake, run! There's this stupid robot with bombs that wants to kill-'

A trio of mini bombs appeared at the entrance when Jessie wasn't looking, and she got blasted back by the force of their explosions.

The girl shrieked in pain as she was sent flying through the air to crash down onto the tables of the Lobby.

Tara summoned a shadow monster. 'Supercell's shown me the mechanics of my upcoming Star Power,' She quickly told Colt and Bibi. 'I'll try to heal the young Junker. Stall this robot as much as you could.'

Colt didn't respond, and Bibi nodded her head gravely as she tugged at Colt's arm.

'Move it, sheriff. We've got a bomber robot that's on the loose.'

'Bombs? A robot?' Colt murmured in a voice too shaky to be heard. 'Could it-' 

'Holy gods.'

Colt and Bibi stood outside the Lobby, their eyes not believing what they saw.

Some of the buildings had suffered minor damage, with some of the walls cracked and blackened by explosions. Shelly, Rico and Mortis were seen running after a bluish-grey robot. The robot had cannons for arms and a bomb for a head...... 

'Tick,' Bibi murmured gravely as her grip on her bat's handle tightened. 'How did this prototype robot escape from Robo Restop?!' 

'So what do we-' 

'Chase it down, of course!' 

Shelly was seen trying to fire a shot at Tick, only to get blasted away by the bomber bot's head. 

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